by Uko Tyrawn Okon

Flowers are spreading a virus
That is what the experts call it
It makes people walk on a chain
That is one hundred feet in the sky
Who put the chain up at a slight acclivity?
People look up from below
Yellow pollen skitters in the air
A young blade falls in love
It drives him to seek the flower
Its petals smell like chocolate
Its darkest part is where the heart would be
If the cosmos were human
His impetus drawn from the flower
His rustic innocence shuffled off
There are those who bear the flower
As they walk on the chain
When you look at the sky
Try not to look at the chains
You’ll want to gaze upon mountains
But you must not look straight up
The trick is to look at the world perfect
That is how you put the solid rock
The earth’s defects and bulges
Its hideous needs and vagrant lust
At the bottom of your vision
This is not a cure for a Chocolate Cosmos
But it gives you something to think about
When you walk on the chain in the sky

About the Author:

My name is Uko Tyrawn Okon. I studied English Literature as an undergraduate student at Arizona State University. I self-published one fiction novel in 2008, Racist Infatuation, and one book of poems, The Love Mindset. I host a podcast every Monday called the writing junky podcast at I also host a YouTube channel that reviews novels, poetry, and short fiction. It can be found by searching U2OKON on YouTube. My blog has the same theme as my podcast, but with a focus on Shakespeare and classic novels. It can be found at I describe my fiction as bordering between Urban Fantasy and Magical Realism. I enjoy using magic to make readers think while entertaining them.