Home Fiction – Year VII – Number 52 – December 2021

Fiction – Year VII – Number 52 – December 2021

    POLLY by K.C. Hampton

    Polly Andrews is dressed up in her Sunday best, finding herself in a luxurious home ready for a get together, unaware of how she got there. However, this did not look like a joyous...

    INSEPARABLE by Juan Sanchez

        In a large room stood an extravagant man. Behind and in front of him was the entrance to a hallway. Surrounding the man was a group of people who are armed with spears,...

    COFFEE SHOP by R.J. Fox

    Emily’s fantasy cliché of meeting cute was bruised, but not broken. Her romantic yearnings were part of her DNA, implanted by a healthy (some might say unhealthy diet) of Disney films and The Princess...

    THE HOLE by George D. Lopdrup

    A screech sliced the sultry night silence.  Human, monkey, or bird?  “Get off me!” Steve cried as he strained to clench his ankle.  Yup, definitely human. “If only you had landed on your big butt, your stupid...


    I had not much for work, and I moved back into my mother’s house. She asked me to go to my uncle’s place to shovel snow for him because he’d had a hip replacement...

    THE GREAT INVISIBLE by Barry Garelick

    Jack was in his early fifties but looked neither young nor old.  His hair was white and he had a light stubble, was overweight and smoked unfiltered cigarettes. His face alternated between boyish to...

    RAT’S NEST by Joanna Kadish

    Driving under a forested canopy where slivery needle-nosed pines and slender white birches brushed along the top of my black Mercedes SUV, squeezed among the redwoods that dominated the landscape above the Santa Clara...

    THE ABLEIST by John Tavares

    Aaron followed her partway across the city of Toronto, even though he was concentrating deeply, finally focussing on the sketches and drawings for his revolutionary Canadian winter parka. He could not believe his own...

    TEDDY BEAR by Grace Bannon

    Teddy Bear He's almost stitched up! The head was stuffed with cotton to reveal his plastered smile. Mommy said she would make his body more huggable for me, so she shoved feathers along the cotton...

    LOST IN THOUGHT by Hart Christopher Vetter

    My culprit of choice is multitasking. My lack of recall could be called disconcerting. Did I turn off the gas, close the garage door? Frequent reasons for a U-turn two blocks from home. The garage I found closed...