WAYFARING, Poems by Carl Scharwath

WAYFARINGBy Carl Scharwath  WAYFARINGCity rain breathingRadiation from the storm cloudsAs tar black feather ballsDisguise the avenue.Ghosts in the metropolisLeer from empty buildingsPoisonous tomb stonesRising in the shadowsDevout of humanityLifeless and forsakenOn what journeyThe victim returns?   ADMONITIOYou...

LADY ON A LENS, Poems by William C. Blome

LADY ON A LENSBy William C. Blome A BLUEBEARD BRIEF LAMENT Roses no sooner get centered in my fireplacethan they send out a fragrance of hesitation,some wispy girl a-stumbling down the staircaseas if it were a...

POEMS by Kimo Armitage

MR. ÉTIENNE HEIFARABy Kimo Armitage Mr. Étienne Heifara is sad that he left Tahiti on bad terms with his siblingsNight is an old woman with a canepoking the sun to come out.Mosquitos fill my childhood...

POEMS by Patrick Hurley

POEMSBy Patrick Hurley ***there is no port of entrywhat atlas charts thesesaturnine territories?ingress is a dangerous fictionradioactive particlesare ubiquitoustoxic energies fix our hopesbut only choice computes  ***these voices are not frenchand this is no paradisetry for...

MARTYRDOM IN THE EAST, Poems by George Moore

MARTYRDOM IN THE EASTBy George MooreMartyrdom in the EastThe more hateful was the cruelty, which spared not so tender an age, the greaterin truth was the power of faith which found evidence even in...

TO A CELLAR SPIDER, Poems by Elizabeth Vignali

TO A CELLAR SPIDERBy Elizabeth Vignali   Reflection in the Window at the RedlightHis transparent hands liftpockets of blanknessand set them alight, brightflames birthed in reflection.This methodical heft and liftand flick of the red Bic lighteris...

GREEN MEDITATION, Poems by Changming Yuan

GREEN MEDITATIONBy Changming Yuan   ThicketStanding straight against the frozen skyYour skeletons are the exquisite calligraphyOf the seasonYour name is writNot in waterBut with wind  VentifactingA fact of fictionA fiction of factCarved with the invisibleChisels of the...

DESPITE, Poems by Gideon Sinke

DESPITEPoems by Gideon Sinke      DespiteI had a string of loversunder whose coversI thought I could hide.I condemned myselfto romance and lovehard and soft placeslong and smiley facesand in you I could confide.With you I was...

HOMENAGEM AO MARQUEZ DE POMBAL Por Alberto de Magalhães (1882)

HOMENAGEM AOMARQUEZ DE POMBALPor Alberto de Magalhães  (1882) AO MARQUEZ DE POMBAL Por Alberto de MagalhãesPoesia recitada no Theatro Valenciano,no sarau litterario-musical de 8 de maio de 1882. I De joelhos heroes! Baixai a fronte altiva,Que passa triumphante,...

CANTOS SAGRADOSde Manuel de Arriaga

CANTOS SAGRADOS  de Manuel de Arriaga LIVRO PRIMEIRODEUS E A ALMA I O QUE EU VI Sahi um dia a contemplar o mundo,Por vêr quanto ha de bello e quanto brilhaNa multipla e gloriosa maravilha,Que anda suspensa em o...