Fiction – Year VII – Number 52 – December 2021

    WILDFIRE by Logan Beeson

    Wildfire By: Logan Beeson The Elders had warned that this storm was going to be the greatest. No one thought it would be this great. On the foretold day, everyone was cooped in their homes, among...

    1031 AVERY WAY by D. A. Ellington (David Ellington)

    Why couldn’t I just have a normal day? I just wanted to wash my clothes.             It’s late, too late. I’ll have to call in sick tomorrow because I’ll be here at least another hour....

    RAT’S NEST by Joanna Kadish

    Driving under a forested canopy where slivery needle-nosed pines and slender white birches brushed along the top of my black Mercedes SUV, squeezed among the redwoods that dominated the landscape above the Santa Clara...

    ETERNAL by Cameron DePatto

    “Would you like a bottle of water or anything?” Said the detective. “No thank you, I’m alright” I said. “Okay, I’ll be right back, so just relax for now and we’ll talk shortly” I flinch when the...


                    June 8th, 2006, in the early morning hours, I found out my dad is divorcing his wife after 16 years. Sweat dripped down my face in a dingy, dusty, old warehouse you can...

    LOST IN THOUGHT by Hart Christopher Vetter

    My culprit of choice is multitasking. My lack of recall could be called disconcerting. Did I turn off the gas, close the garage door? Frequent reasons for a U-turn two blocks from home. The garage I found closed...

    FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE by Ben Shahon

    I still remember that Monday I stole Janelle's new running shoes. Back in high school, I’d seen her go into her gym locker more times than I could count I knew her combination better than...

    A NEW NEIGHBOR by Malik White

    Me and my wife live in a nice cabin in the wild. Not quite in the middle of nowhere, but our nearest neighbors are in a town a couple of miles away. The wife...

    SPEARMINT SON by Tyrenisha James

    Spearmint SonChewed outI’ve spent months trying every flavor of gum, in hopes of getting rid of your love that remains inmy mouth. I am finally down to my last flavor, and I hope the...

    BLINK AND YOU MAY FORGET IT by Roy Humlicek-Spindler

    BLINK AND YOU MAY FORGET IT             For the eighth time in the last hour, Clarisse checked her wrist device to see if she was headed to the right place. At this point, there were...