A DRY BREEZE – Poems by Anwer Ghani
A DRY BREEZEPoems by Anwer Ghani A Dry BreezeThat evening with its breeze has planted in my soul an unforgettable tales. I don't like crying and as any man, I wish to fall in a...
SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN – A poem by Claire Emery
Your Sunday best never fit you rightYou preferred your tar to come from cigarettesInstead of inside the plays of a leather-bound book of judgementYou can flick a lighter more comfortably...
TRANSATLANTIQUE – Poems by Janet McCann
TRANSATLANTICmy mind slides down your voiceinto your house of fifty years agolaughter and lightly kissed cheeksthe bottle of wine and the bowl of peachesthat were never emptymy mind slides down your...
A POET OBSERVES A POET – Poems by Thomas Locicero
A POET OBSERVES A POETPoems by Thomas Locicero
What Have We Done to Each Other?
What have we done to each otherwith our words, mine too honest,yours too public? You did not knowme when I lived...
ANTIPOESÍA – Por Xe M. Sánchez
ANTIPOESÍAPor Xe M. Sánchez ANTIPOESÍA Andes a la gueta’l Paraísu.MuyerCochePerruXardínLlarPerresUna vida afayadiegaUna derrotaEntaína,Les escaleresQue baxenAl infiernuTanEsperándomos.Préstame’l fuéu.Préstame’l fuéu.Préstame’l fuéu.Préstame’lPrés…P… ANTI-POETRYYou are looking for a Paradise.A wifeA carA dogA gardenA houseMoneyA comfortable lifeA defeatLet’s go,StairsTo hellAreWaiting ForUsI like the...
SONGS OF INSURRECTION – Poems by Ben Nardolilli
SONGS OF INSURRECTIONPoems by Ben Nardolilli
Office Politeness
Super politeness sweatsFrom the cubicle wallsAnd echoes through halls,Corridors I knowHold and reflectWhispers of thoseWho know meBut cannot see meApproaching at the moment,Come aggression,Come out from your meetings,Come...
COFFEE MUG by ABU MUSA TAREQ – Translated by Afruza Khanom PhD
COFFEE MUG by Abu Musa TareqTranslated by Afruza Khanom PhD
Coffee Mug
One vacant step away from you and-This poet will breathe through your most secret thoughtsBeneath the diamond studded sky, the poet walks along a...
BEYOND THE BOUQUET – Poems by Greg Moglia
BEYOND THE BOUQUETPoems by Greg Moglia
I give her the bouquet with what I dare to call a loveShe takes it with a thanks, it’s lovely but then gets to workSnips away the...
TERRA COM SAL – Poems by Pierre Sotér
TERRA COM SALPoems by Pierre Sotér
Terra com salto the memory of Fernando Pessoa
Ó ser mudado,Ó alma colossal,quanto do teu estado,não é nem foi dado,por algo quebrado,por nada fatal.Ó mar irado,Ó longo areal,quanto do teu...
SELFIEDOM – Poems by Clark Holtzman
SELFIEDOMPoems by Clark Holtzman
says nothing about the quality of your offer.My acceptance is sacred in this faithless sort of way.My acceptance builds upon many lesser optionsthat, in any event, have minds of their...