Poetry - Year IV - Number 27 - August 2019

    MY YOUNG LIONS by Lynne D. Soulagnet

    BONDAGEThe intensity of your glarecould sear my fleshburn a hole right through me.I compress myself into the chair,use a book as a shield.I have done it again,rubbed sandpaper on your wounds.What did I say...

    EMBODIED SOIL by Sarah Conklin

    EMBODIED SOILby Sarah Conklin  You never loved me, I was just a body. I come home to dead flowers hanging on the wall, parched but aesthetically pleasingdry from humidity and a lack of loveThe eucalyptus has...

    MACHINE SHOPS by Roger Singer

    MACHINE SHOPSby  Roger Singer MACHINE SHOPS  It’s a long whistleputting the handon men and womenas the earth tiltspulling them pastopen wooden doorsinto the mazeof machinerywhere generationsstood and countedhours and yearsuntil the nextbodies of youthreplaced nameson lockers...

    OF THIS HOUR by Korkut Onaran

    OF THIS HOURby Korkut Onaran  ANOTHER BAR JOKE A deep sea creatureand a priest walk into a bar.Where? In a poem. In a highmountain town at a landlocked state,in a historic bar. The priest drinks red wineand talks...

    IF A TREE FALLS by Diane Webster

    IF A TREE FALLSby Diane Webster  MALFUNCTION Summer heat surfs up southern wall,slithers into swamp cooler ventsto vaporize water meant to soothehumans inside the office thusconverting cooler into heater. The woman perspires when no onelistens to facts...

    BEES by Robin Ray

    BEES by Robin Ray Steepest of Hills Who can singwhen the water’s edged,mouths are paste dry,fruit trees stand barrenas virgin tides? Step after stepup that steepest of hills,hungry vampire stoneslive off the burst blistersof innocent seekers. Kippers in the...

    LITTLE MAX MOUSE by James Padgett

    LITTLE MAX MOUSE  by James Padgett  It was a warm, sunny day in Willowy Wood.Little Max Mouse ran as fast as he could.He had to get to the Oak by the stream.It was his turn to...

    RUNNING by Stella Prince

    RUNNINGby Stella Prince  Tell me now, what do you think?I might never love again.What can you say to me tonight?So I’ll believe in you again. Cause I’m running now,I guess I might come back eventually,But I’m...

    LIFE, LOVE AND HOPE by Ezekiel Archibong

    LIFE, LOVE AND HOPEby Ezekiel Archibong  LIFE, LOVE AND HOPE I try to reach high to the skyand admire the simplicity of life.The lilting song as it floats through flowersalong a brook of fairy bowers.Where I...

    A LOVE STORY by Gloria G. Murray

    A LOVE STORYby Gloria G. Murray    A LOVE STORY we kissed in the dark hallwaysof the Canarsie projectsbacks pressedagainst the concrete walllips sealedwith the grout of lustyour tongue swirling under mineyour ardent fingers curlinglike a sculptoraround...