Poetry - Year VII - Number 51 - November 2021

    EQUUS by Fara Spence

    Equus. We called him Equus, a black horse bucking inside a desert corral because he wouldn’t be broken. He was still feral, they said. Stubborn as a mule. Later we discovered a group of wild...

    I PRETEND NOT TO LOVE YOU by Viviana Viviani, Translated by Giuliana Barile, Angela...

    . Fingo di non amarti by Viviana Viviani Fingo di non amartirispondo tarditi faccio aspettaremi sento scaltrase sbaglio appostail nome dell’altramostro indifferenzadistrazione e assenzadico: “stiamo insiemefinché stiamo bene,viviamo il presentesenza promesse”,sotto queste sciocchezzeda donna cresciutatengo nascostala...

    I WILL BE YOUR HERO by April McDermott

    "I Will Be Your Hero"Fate gives us all pieces to make a puzzle of our life,They show us our love, our happiness, our strife.I had enough pieces for my own work of art,But I...