Home Fiction - Year II - Number 5 - December 2016

Fiction - Year II - Number 5 - December 2016

    IGNORANCE IN DETAIL by Michael J. Coene

    IGNORANCE IN DETAILBy Michael J. Coene I didn't know Jan very well. We worked together at a restaurant. Organic, gluten-free, farm-fresh, overpriced sandwiches and salads. Jan was a server there. I was a cook, working...

    THE LIST, A short story by Ross Goldstein

    THE LISTBy Ross Goldstein The Palace was anything but; a sputtering neon sign dangled over the half-hinged front door, suspended by the remains of a frayed power cord. The ACE of Palace had died a...

    PURPLE DRESS, A short story by Denis Bell

    PURPLE DRESSBy Denis Bell One spoon of instant and two spoons of sugar in the Disney mug with the broken handle. The best way to start your day.           Garbage spilling out of a plastic trash bag....

    A BROKEN SHELL OF A MAN by Elizabeth O’Neil

    A BROKEN SHELL OF A MANA novel byElizabeth O’Neill Chapter One - EGGS ‘Dae ye want ays tae read your palm?’  The gypsy woman asked, craning her scrawny chicken neck.‘No, this is a cafe,’  Peggy said,...

    LA VERDAD SEGÚN MICHAEL Traducida por Maria Gil del Campo

    Capitulo uno - LA LLEGADA        Michael llegó a Nueva York un miércoles sobre las siete de la tarde. Caminó hacia la salida del área de llegadas internacionales del aeropuerto JFK.  Fuera le esperaba una...

    A DIFFERENT ME, A short story by Donald McCarthy

    A DIFFERENT ME By Donald McCarthy I travel to parallel universes. It’s not a voluntary experience. I am living my life one second and living another the next. Weeks will go by without a trip...

    A GARDEN ON THE ROOF, A short story by Patty Somlo

    A GARDEN ON THE ROOF By Patty Somlo The tall, very dark-skinned man didn’t say a word, as Katherine Foster led him and the woman from the refugee agency through the flat. Moderately tall herself and...

    A PALIMPSEST, A short story by Jim Naremore

    A PALIMPSESTBy Jim Naremore      Files. Or, more directly, filing cabinets.     Green, brown and different shades of grey. Battered, scratched, dented, their hardware tarnished. Some Kafkaesque bureaucratic dystopian fantasy: brown veneer second-hand conference table, a...

    AUNT RACHEL GOT MARRIED, By Laura DiCarlo Short

    AUNT RACHEL GOT MARRIEDBy Laura DiCarlo Short Aunt Rachel Got Married, I Got Spooked, and New-Uncle Tom Got Slapped by Nonna Who Came to Sop Up the Blood What can I tell you about her? Aunt...

    I TAKE FLIGHT, by C. E. Petrichor

    I TAKE FLIGHTBy C.E. Petrichor When I think of my family, I think of vines. I think of monumental emerald green ropes embellished with thick, needle pointed thorns that wrap themselves around my dainty neck...