DAMNED OLE HOLLER, A short story by Shania Blair
Every year for two to three weeks in the spring, Citico Creek is swarmed with fish, referred to as Buffalo, swimming upstream to mate. This is a time that makes...
DOUBLE DODGING, A short story by Edith Gallagher Boyd
DOUBLE DODGINGBy Edith Gallagher Boyd
The ball swished through the basket. Not only was it a buzzer beater, it was against one of our biggest rivals. My shot gave us the win against Whitaker High....
EDDIE AND LARRY AND PHIL, A short story by Richard Dokey
Eddie Montgomery had two rats he named Larry and Phil. Larry and Phil were not domestic rats. They were wild rats, the kind that nose about garbage...
WATER MOON, A short story by Toni Fuhrman
WATER MOONBy Toni Fuhrman
Mose, Chairman Judd’s most trusted aide, stood before Chairman Judd’s enormous desk in the long windowless Council Room and told him it had taken another Ablution to get rid of Kublenski’s...
THE HOUSE ON THE BAY by Jillian Diblasio
THE HOUSE ON THE BAYBy Jillian Diblasio
There is a house that sits in the middle of the bay. It is old and decrypt, having stood there for as long as I can remember. For...
HYPERSPACE, A short story by Haley Quinton
HYPERSPACEBy Haley Quinton
Cole closed his eyes and dreamed of space travel. The old car’s engine thunked and whined, sounding just like a spaceship. He was wrapped in his mama’s raincoat, but he was still...