Fiction - Year II - Number 6 - March 2017

    WORRIED FATHER-TO-BE – A short story by Norbert Kovacs

    WORRIED FATHER-TO-BEBy Norbert Kovacs The doctor had disliked how the medical student had cleaned a wound during operation and wanted to talk about it during his break. The doctor was off in twenty minutes but...

    TWIN ESCALADE – A short story by John Tavares

    TWIN ESCALADEBy John Tavares Gasping, David called from the telephone in the hospital emergency department. After three attempts, he remembered his niece’s cell phone number. Coughing, he called Sofia at the gym, where she freelanced...

    FIRST MOVE – A short story by Sara Mortimer-Boyd

    FIRST MOVEBy Sara Mortimer-Boyd Identical houses emerged in great numbers to encircle this secluded desert wilderness. Patty had nothing to do, so on the Saturday morning before voting day, she took her teenage daughter to...

    SCRY – A short story by Jason D. Grunn

    SCRY  By Jason D. Grunn             I’m getting sick of waiting. I’ll have a trapping expert within the next hour? They shouldhave extended that estimate by two, or even three. Checking the sun dial on the...

    TOXIC – A short story by Nya Jackson

    VIOLET ABSTRACTby Nya Jackson I wasn’t able to bail Violet out of jail the third time she got arrested because she died in police custody. She’d only been in the holding cell for thirteen hours,...

    BOYS by Mathias Byerly

    BOYSBy Mathias Byerly             A crowd of about a hundred newly high school graduates burst out in enthusiasm, tossing their caps into the air. The crowd disperses after a few moments of congratulations from each...

    PURGATION by Thomas Elson

    PURGATIONBy Thomas Elson Friday, February 19, 1982. Berdan Daily Tribune. The Ninnescah County Sheriff’s Department reported a Roads and Bridges employee discovered a partially nude female body near a ditch seven miles from Berdan. Her...

    SERVICES by Jim Zinaman

    SERVICESBy Jim Zinaman The crunch of little white stones beneath his tires ceased as Jimmy braked to a stop in a Ford Escort rental.  A long and winding driveway through a stand of pines off...

    THE WONDERER by David Massey

    THE WONDERERBy David Massey In all times Eadwine has known the loneliness of a Frankenstein’s monster, without father, mother, or natural ties, and little wonder is it that the most long-ago of his Germanic selves--earth-walker,...


    GETTING THERAPY IN BEIJING IS A PRODUCTION- An excerpt from a novel “Waiting for Love Child”by Maya Alexandri I went to the International Harmony Hospital family counseling clinic because – well, because I’m an American...