Fiction - Year II - Number 6 - March 2017

    LOVE AT LAST DANCE by Jonathan Ferrini

    LOVE AT LAST DANCEBy Jonathan Ferrini Traffic inches along the 101 Freeway at rush hour South of San Francisco on a Friday evening except for the luxury buses racing up the carpool lane. I can...

    HEADLESS BUDDHA by Stephen J. Gallas

    HEADLESS BUDDHABy Stephen J. Gallas The baked clay temple towered over the clearing surrounded by lush green foliage, and served as the only landmark in sight. This particular temple was set away from the innumerable...

    BRAND NEW DANCE – A short story by Kathryn M. Barber

    BRAND NEW DANCEBy Kathryn M. Barber In high school, Miller lived right across the street from the Carter Fold. Next to the barn that belonged to Miller’s daddy sat an even bigger barn, one that...

    SCRY – A short story by Jason D. Grunn

    SCRY  By Jason D. Grunn             I’m getting sick of waiting. I’ll have a trapping expert within the next hour? They shouldhave extended that estimate by two, or even three. Checking the sun dial on the...

    CONNECT THE DOTS by Alex Clark-McGlenn

    CONNECT THE DOTSBy Alex Clark-McGlenn Author's Note: The names of those involved in this piece have been changed to protect their privacy. 10:40pm February 23rd             I’m just home when Jessie calls me into the living room. I...

    VINDICATION by Matthew Emma

    VINDICATIONBy Matthew Emma (Dedicated to John Liotine, a man who showed the courage to do what few men would)      While a man many reviled did not gain heroic status on Virginia Air Flight 334, he, at...

    TWIN ESCALADE – A short story by John Tavares

    TWIN ESCALADEBy John Tavares Gasping, David called from the telephone in the hospital emergency department. After three attempts, he remembered his niece’s cell phone number. Coughing, he called Sofia at the gym, where she freelanced...

    BOYS by Mathias Byerly

    BOYSBy Mathias Byerly             A crowd of about a hundred newly high school graduates burst out in enthusiasm, tossing their caps into the air. The crowd disperses after a few moments of congratulations from each...

    PURGATION by Thomas Elson

    PURGATIONBy Thomas Elson Friday, February 19, 1982. Berdan Daily Tribune. The Ninnescah County Sheriff’s Department reported a Roads and Bridges employee discovered a partially nude female body near a ditch seven miles from Berdan. Her...