Fiction - Year II - Number 6 - March 2017

    MRS. HENDRICKSON – A short story by Debra Levy

    MRS. HENDRICKSONBy Debra Levy Billy Jr. was swimming in the lake with his mother. He was a good swimmer for a five-year-old, fearless in the water. They were out beyond the pier, in the drop-off...


    GETTING THERAPY IN BEIJING IS A PRODUCTION- An excerpt from a novel “Waiting for Love Child”by Maya Alexandri I went to the International Harmony Hospital family counseling clinic because – well, because I’m an American...

    PICKING COLORS – A short story by Terry Sanville

    PICKING COLORSBy Terry Sanville In a field along an eastern reach of the Gambia River, Nyima picked cotton. Her daughter suckled at her breast as she stooped to pluck the white fluff from the sharp...

    BOYS by Mathias Byerly

    BOYSBy Mathias Byerly             A crowd of about a hundred newly high school graduates burst out in enthusiasm, tossing their caps into the air. The crowd disperses after a few moments of congratulations from each...

    CONNECT THE DOTS by Alex Clark-McGlenn

    CONNECT THE DOTSBy Alex Clark-McGlenn Author's Note: The names of those involved in this piece have been changed to protect their privacy. 10:40pm February 23rd             I’m just home when Jessie calls me into the living room. I...

    MOURNER’S PRAYER by Richard Klin

    MOURNER'S PRAYERBy Richard Klin      After the end of the Second World War—after the German occupation, the round-ups, the hiding—the tailor’s son and daughter boarded a ship and left Brussels forever, bound for New York...

    THRIFTY’s by Tony D’Aloisio

    THRIFTY'SBy Tony D'Aloisio You could see him through the glass of the front doors as we came walking along up the sidewalk of the Kilkenny shopping center.  Chuck.  Standing in front of that one pinball...

    VINDICATION by Matthew Emma

    VINDICATIONBy Matthew Emma (Dedicated to John Liotine, a man who showed the courage to do what few men would)      While a man many reviled did not gain heroic status on Virginia Air Flight 334, he, at...

    WASTED LIFE IDIOT by Katie Baker

    WASTED LIFE IDIOTBy Katie Baker The morning it broke was brilliant, a warm June morning as clear as water in a crystal glass. The sun rode high in the sky by 10:00, and the leaves...