Fiction - Year II - Number 8 - July 2017

    YOUNG ENOUGH TO BE AFRAID By Charlotte Freccia

    YOUNG ENOUGH TO BE AFRAIDBy Charlotte Freccia Zooey came up with the sun, her head in Franny’s lap, her tongue between her teeth, and the taste of blood in her mouth. She blinked, and shook...

    RECREATION By David Mecklenburg

    RE-CREATION By David Mecklenburg It’s short for Adeline, but nobody calls me that. Anyway, just relax and don’t worry about it. I was going to tell you that 10,000 Union and Confederate soldiers fought on the...

    REPARATIONS By Veronica Ordway

    REPARATIONS By Veronica Ordway Jacqueline could feel the eyes of the other people in the waiting room boring into her. She bowed her head and focused instead on the celebrities splashed across the gossip magazines that...

    A FOTOGRAFIA Para João Bernardo

    A FOTOGRAFIA De João Bernardo Dormia profundamente, como já não fazia há muito tempo, pois tinha reencontrado a felicidade e a paz de espírito. Tinha encontrado alguém com quem partilhar o bem mais precioso do mundo....

    STARR: A LOVE STORY By A.R. Bender

    STARR: A LOVE STORYBy A. R. Bender Once again, the 7a.m. steam whistle blew over Seattle’s Todd Pacific Shipyards in the Harbor Island industrial area and the workers slowly emerged out of the locker rooms...

    MEDIUM-RARE By Melissa Moore

    MEDIUM-RARE By Melissa Moore “Something’s wrong with the meat.” Eddie sat on the metal kitchen counter, poking at the spot where he took a bite from his hamburger. There was something off about its taste. The...

    THE CLIFF By Kevin Wiggins

    THE CLIFFBy Kevin Wiggins The sky, devoid of clouds, allowed the sun to blister the land all day; until the night and the stars and a full moon prevailed.For Justin, as he sat on the...

    THINE ENEMY By Caleb Dudley

    THINE ENEMY By Caleb Dudley        Men talked nonchalantly around Frederick.  Simmons was currently displaying a photograph of his girlfriend back in Suffolk to an uninterested Beasley.  Richards was unleashing a torrent of curses, having clumsily...


    CLUB DE RÉSURRECTIONBy Jim Meirose Many too many too many too years. We both wonder, you know, how they’re going to do it. This is why we decided to join the Club de Résurrection. It’s...

    MÈI MEI / YOUNGER SISTER By Colin Wolcott

    mèi mei n. Chin. YOUNGER SISTER By Colin Wolcott I'm at Lucky’s Lounge tonight. My sister asked me to come. Actually, I'm still in the parking lot. And I've been in the parking lot, sitting in...