ECHO by Andy Tu
ECHOBy Andy Tu
The first time I met Elana, during freshmen orientation at college, I thought she was a loser. There wasn’t much to warrant this judgement, just a feeling of aversion when she asked...
HOOK MAN by Michael Warren
HOOK MANBy Michael Warren
“That’s bull-shit! There’s no such thing as a Hook Man.” Inky was quite certain on this point. “That’s just a story.”There were five of them: Martin, Teeter, Paz, Inky and Tom. ...
BIG BOY by Santino DeFranco
BIG BOYSantino DeFranco
He was a real big son of a bitch. But I’m not talking about the son of a bitch part, but the big part. He was almost six and a half feet...
MARIA by Emily Peña Murphey
MARIABy Emily Peña Murphey
On that last day before the big storm, I first noticed something was funny when our family went to the mercado in Las Altas. We arrived very early, just as sunshine was coming...
It was still dark when Ben drove the Gator out to the back paddocks to feed the fillies. The sun was slow to rise and a chill rose from...
DARES by John Bliss
DARESBy John Bliss
March 2003, I received a flyer about a conference exploring the psychoanalytic collaboration of Masud Khan and Donald Winnicott. The two men were prominent members of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Their collaboration...
VIXEN by David Cairns
VIXENBy D.A.Cairns
‘A few rules to lay down, first, okay?’Vixen ignored the man’s melodramatic groan, and stepped away from him. She wasn’t going to be deterred by his impatience. It was important to set the...
RUDE AWAKENING by Michael Washburn
RUDE AWAKENINGBy Michael Washburn
Chris Sievert didn’t know whether the disturbing visions he began to experience in his thirteenth year grew from a long-ignored brain injury, or whose fault the neglect of that injury might...
THE HUNTED by Tinka Harvard
THE HUNTEDBy Tinka Harvard
Daniel lifted his head from Thieme’s Atlas of Anatomy and slid his glasses off, turning his ear toward the door. Being inside warm and cozy during rain storms was one of his favorite...