Fiction - Year III - Number 10 - November 2017

    VIXEN by David Cairns

    VIXENBy D.A.Cairns ‘A few rules to lay down, first, okay?’Vixen ignored the man’s melodramatic groan, and stepped away from him. She wasn’t going to be deterred by his impatience. It was important to set the...

    THE OPPONENT by Mark Hannon

    THE OPPONENTBy Mark Hannon He sat on a folding chair, dripping sweat, his heart rate slowing down, the fight over for several minutes. Feeling the water run down his nose, he concentrated on timing when...

    ECHO by Andy Tu

    ECHOBy Andy Tu The first time I met Elana, during freshmen orientation at college, I thought she was a loser. There wasn’t much to warrant this judgement, just a feeling of aversion when she asked...

    THE FINAL WATCH by Jonathan Ferrini

    THE FINAL WATCHBy Jonathan B. Ferrini Interstate 8 climbs west out of the Imperial Valley and twists through the rugged mountains upward into East San Diego County. My name is Tommy and I recently graduated...

    GIN BLOSSOM by Michael LeBlanc

    GIN BLOSSOMBy Michael LeBlanc    To him it was magic. All of it: The projector cutting through darkness luring flies into the spotlight. The rows of chrome bumpers polished so bright he could watch the towering...

    WHO YOU’RE DEALING WITH? By Raymond Arcangel

    WHO YOU’RE DEALING WITHBy Raymond Arcangel Nothing ever looked like it did in the movies. No cozy warm lounge, a half-dozen chairs of leather and wood with their backs against the cream-colored walls, low mahogany...

    UNUSED MILES by Richard Bentley

    UNUSED MILESBy Richard Bentley This happened in San Francisco in the 1960s, but in the early sixties San Francisco wasn’t quite as we picture it now. There didn’t seem to be an unusual amount of...

    O MITO DA FÉNIX de Vera Lúcia Gonçalves

    O MITO DA FÉNIX   De Vera Lúcia Gonçalves Quando me debruço sobre a mitologia grega tendo a abrandar sempre no mito da Fénix. Há algo nela que me seduz, que parece ter sido urdido na malha de...

    MARIA by Emily Peña Murphey

    MARIABy Emily Peña Murphey On that last day before the big storm, I first noticed something was funny when our family went to the mercado in Las Altas.  We arrived very early, just as sunshine was coming...

    INDIA LAKE by Patricia Trentacoste

    VIXENBy D.A.Cairns ‘A few rules to lay down, first, okay?’Vixen ignored the man’s melodramatic groan, and stepped away from him. She wasn’t going to be deterred by his impatience. It was important to set the...