ALM No.73, February 2024

My pig, Alice, is my best friend in the world, I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without her. I guess you could say she’s like a service animal that helps me with my anxiety. Most places usually don’t have a problem with Alice but today we’re trying this new restaurant that just opened down the street.
When we walk in, I get a dirty look from the hostess, but she doesn’t say anything as she walks me to my table, Alice walking beside me, with me holding her leash.
Once I am seated, I wait for a server to come up to my table. I sit there wrapped up in my thoughts when a voice interrupts me.
“Excuse me, Miss, you can’t have a pig in here,” A man I’m unfamiliar with says to me.
“And who are you?” I ask him trying to muster up some type of politeness.
“I’m the owner of this establishment, Mr. Callahan,” he says proudly, reaching out to shake my hand.
I ignore his extended hand, looking away in defiance.
“Well, Mr. Callahan, Alice is like a service animal, she helps me when I’m anxious.”
“We don’t allow farm animals into our restaurant, especially pigs.”
He sounds so disgusted by the fact that I have Alice with me, he won’t even take me seriously. I feel embarrassed and angry, most people when I tell them Alice is always with me because of my anxiety they’re understanding and accommodating, but not this guy. By looks of it I’m getting on his last nerve because I haven’t gotten up yet.
“I just want to have a meal in peace, she won’t bother anyone, she’s well trained,” I tell him.
“If you don’t leave, I will have security escort you out,” he says angrily.
“Okay, fine, we’re out of here,” I say huffing the words out in annoyance.
I walk out of the restaurant while getting weird looks from other patrons, but I ignore them, I don’t care what people think Alice is there for me and that’s all that matters. So, I exit the door with my head held high and a smile on my face as Alice and I head to our favorite restaurant.
Kayla Sukhu is from Orlando, FL. When she's not writing, she enjoys drawing and reading.