Adelaide Literary Magazine - 9 years, 70 issues, and over 2800 published poems, short stories, and essays


ALM No.73, February 2025


Ashawnti Morris

2/2/20253 min read

Exhilarating pulses beamed though my heart as if it were my own special day. Gladdened by Amelia Vaughn-Daniels, my bestie of 4 years. Elevating upward like a rocket ship taking off. A big dreamer. Highly inspirational.

Newfound degree holder of fashion design. This day calls for celebration. Debauchery. A fun time as usual. Animated, as I applied the final additions to my bronzed look. Perfect!

Suddenly, Rod Wave – Numb “OOOOOHHHHHH, YEAHHH! He on that drank again. You can tell” a chill ring back played from the front room. It gets me in a turn-up mood every time.

Raising up with quickness from my pink fur swathed vanity stool. Marathon racing over to the kitchen countertop seizing my phone. Swiping upward to answer,

“Helloooo” I say.

‘Hey girlie, you ready?” Amelia asks.

“I am actually.” I was not, but I told her that.

“Great, because I’m just about to pull up.”

Oh no! Why do I do this to myself?

Nervously, “Uhm– Yeah– I’ll get ready to– Uh-huh– Open up.”

My index finger taps onto the red icon, ending the call. Running fast as the wind, almost causing a tornado behind me. Twisting the deadbolt open. Unlocking the screen door. Stepping back. Slamming the door behind me in a panic. Amelia was not the one to wait around, when it was time to go, it was time to GO! That is just my bestie.

Jumping over my newly purchased red L-shaped sectional couch. A narrow landing just barely past the round black topped centerpiece table.

Back in my room, throwing on the outfit I prepared earlier– At least I had done that! A satin hunter green deep v-cut dress with a front slit. Paired with a gold layered necklace, gold chunky hoop earrings, a gold diamond embellished wrist and ankle bracelet and my favorite platform heels.

A quiet engine roar creeps up my driveway, suddenly going silent. A mid thud of a car door closing. It was Amelia and her orange Ferrari.

Here she came. Storming through the door searching for me. Crying out to the top of her lungs. Face filled with tears flowing like a river as we ran into each other.

“OMG, what's wrong?” I yell.

She had seemed fine over the phone.

“Kat, I’m tired” she said.

“Tired? Of what; what are you tired of?”

“Everything, Kat. I just do not think I can go on anymore.” sitting down on my sofa. “Even though it seems as if I have it altogether, I am facing so many challenges. Yes, I am putting in all this work towards a brighter future but what if it still isn't enough?”

My right arm slowly delivering a warm gesture to her, I said “My poor friend, I get it, you are scared. Listen, we all are afraid sometimes.” Pulling her up from the sofa. Stepping over to the mirror. Standing right at her side I say "You are one of the most powerful women I have ever met. I look up to you–”

“Seriously?” she asks with disbelief.

“Amelia, you really should change your perspectives. It seems to me that you are just overwhelmed and a bit unaware of your capabilities.”

“Well, I have a lot going on. Life feels so hectic. And you are right about that one.”

“Understandable. Let us just enjoy ourselves today as planned. Tomorrow we can create a strategy to help with those stress nerves and anxiety about the future.”

Amelia agreed as she darted off into the bathroom to freshen up. I geared towards my coat rack, grabbing my full body length black fur coat. I had on all the garments I could handle for one outfit; no purse was needed. Bestie stepped out from the bathroom feeling like a brand-new woman.

“You ready to go?” I asked.

“You bet!” she replied.

And off we were.

Ashawnti Morris is from Cook County, Illinois. For the last 10 years she's been practicing different areas of writing. Recently she discovered a Creative Writing dregree through Full Sail University and decided to join, making her a full-time student currently. Ashawnti hopes to use her writing degree to kick off her freelancing career. You can follow her on LinkedIn: