ALM No.73, February 2025

Luna always considered her pig, Onyx, more than just a pet. She was her adventure companion, her confidant, but mainly, her good luck charm. One day, while walking through the market, a janitor stole Onyx. Luna felt devastated and really scared, as if an essential part of her life got stolen. She decided to start checking anything that could give her a clue about where the janitor could have taken Onyx to. She entered the janitor’s room and realized that she needed to make a quest to recover Onyx, and to do so, she needed to complete a series of tasks at the supermarket. Luna headed to the A.C. room and saw a picture that she took with Onyx that same day. Upon entering, she found a cozy and welcoming place. The employees smiled and greeted her warmly. A sign on the wall read: "Complete tasks to recover your stolen belongings. Don't give up!"
The first task was to find the magical fruit in the produce section. Luna searched everywhere but couldn't find anything. Suddenly, she heard a soft voice telling her, "Look under the lettuce refrigerator. Good luck is there". There, she found the magical plant, which was a golden lettuce. So, she took it and saw that there was a key inside of it, so she took it and saved it in her left pocket.
Then, she saw that the next task was to solve a puzzle in the electronics section. Luna focused and, after several attempts, solved it. The giant puzzle said, "Don't give up, Luna! You're close".
The final task was to sing a song in the music section. Luna felt nervous but began to sing with all her heart in the middle of the room full of screens, cameras, and vinyl players. The music seemed to transport her to another world, and when she finished, his dad appeared.
"Have you completed the tasks?" he asked.
Luna nodded and started crying.
"Then, I'll return Onyx to you," said Jonah, his dad, smiling.
Luna rushed to the box where her pig was and hugged him and Onyx with tears of joy. Without her little Onyx, her life would have been a different thing. Now, with her back, she felt her luck had returned.
"Thank you, Dad," Luna said, grateful and understanding the value of believing in her.
Jonah smiled and said, "Luck isn't just something that happens to us. It's something we create ourselves. And you, my beautiful and precious daughter Luna, have shown that you have luck in your heart".
Lia De La O was born and raised Coyocan, Mexico City, Mexico, but nowadays she lives in Orlando, Florida. She had worked in many areas of communication, from crew to acting. She has been passionate about the arts since she was a child. Her parents are musicians and helped her understand the importance of finding her own passion and being aware of herself. Follow her on Instagram @liakathedelao
P.D.: I would like to make a special thanking to my parents, Rosalia and Ricardo, to my sister Lenny for being my greatest inspiration, my wonderful boyfriend Angel, who has encouraged me since day one and my grandmas Ofelia and Rosalia for being so supportive, and for finally, to Prof. Brett Pribble for encouraging me to send my story.