ALM No.73, February 2025

Silent illustration
The blank notepaper cries of execution
Longing for the touch of ink, to bring upon a living death in words
I am a cradle of surrender
I am a wistful rose
Learn my words to know me in fragments
Reach through lace curtains, hold my sighs
I want you to know me
Why should love hold no definition, but all else does
Am I wrong to search for loves meaning?
Will you find me in your heart, like shades of white pearl
Should the blue tell you what I keep to myself
Prayer will carry you, I
But all is fading like scent
Few could know
In the background of the glass window
The fair desolated room
I was a ghost
The phantom unknown, unknowable
A boudoir sanctum
Holding all but the keeper
Her figure lost between worlds
Her curtained world
The words are sitting still on her lips
Truth on the other side of her eyes
Her death is living amongst the surface of skin, beneath a fingernail
Alongside each bone tremendously
Appearing through white to black of day and night
In moments of the unfragmented
A discerning pause in her curtained world
The only thing left visible, her silhouette afore the flame of sun
The echo of her quiet dream
Somehow, you’re laced to my burning flame
With pearlescent chains of irrevocable release
You’re a keynote strum from a vintage mandolin
The linger of its heartfelt grasp
You are the blade of a sword that slashes the roaming phantom in my dreams
The sharp steel that pierces, like eyes with mysteries of love
The hands of you holding me
Montana Cravero, an independent poetry writer from Adelaide, Australia. Venturing into my contemplation, with expressions and interpretations through writing. An aspiring literature student and photographer in her individual photographic work.