by Timothy Rodriguez   Double-thinkers
open the window
to flee this worthless limbo
which goes wanting
even though Understanding
of right or wrong
actually stood its ground
while all around sat
among mumbles on steps
and stoops in hopes
of being cast as an anyhow.You claim you are too
wise even for comfort
even though you knew
what you intended to do—keep
quiet, shy away,
disappear while others
rushed to the ramparts.O,  coward,
and a fraud to be
one with any belief
while flitting from cause
to a girl with a joint.
If heroin made
you an addict
a user you already are
declaring to all
one thing and
secretly undoing
another in the shadows.
You now refuse
to look into any mirror,
preferring the expanse
of a window where every
thing is possible but you.   Shoulder to Stonehe waits, fingertips
fitfully filing against
thumb’s thickness
occasionally brushing
the hem of his rented
mourning suit, his feet
unable to tap, trapped
stiff in patent leather
whose luster dims
in the paschal nocturnal
as the hours stretch
He tells himself
there is no serum
in love’s lost chance
but quite possibly
in the long advent
of blame that rinses
out loss in a four-week
cycle until cleansed
of what He wasn’t sure
happened when He
put shoulder to stone
just the other Sunday
and rolled back
that which was thrice his size    About the Author:tim rodriguezTimothy L Rodriguez has published in English and Spanish. His novel—Guess Who Holds Thee?—is available on Amazon. His fiction and poems have appeared in over a dozen national and international journals including New London Writers (UK), honorable mention in international short story competition sponsored by The Writer’s Drawer (Israel), Main Street Rag and Heyday Magazine and Stoneboat Literary Journal (2017 Pushcart nomination). His essay The Problem Now will appear in the 5th edition of New Theory and his poem “Mid the Muster on Main” will appear in the Spring issue of AMP by Hofstra University. His poem “Finish It” will appear in the next issue of The Ibis Head Review.