I analyzed from my point of view to the best of my ability……

Has anyone ever measured the depth of a vase before embossing it with an aesthetic floral art?
No, certainly not! Likewise, women’s empowerment is not defined by books or movies. To a
bibliophile or to a cinephile, it’s just an innermost feeling or an experience that may not be
ventilated. Judging by a woman’s life, one may cogitate that the entire life of that woman is not
enow to spin a yarn.

In the 21st century myriad lassies are financially independent, but how progressive, how bold
they are pensively! Many of us say many things regarding women’s lib. 1) Yet women are
victims of perverted sexual lust or exploitation. Even today, if a woman is raped, she must raise
her voice overtly & say “I’m raped, I want justice”. It is our woe that gals continue to be raped
in various ways in every nook & cranny of the world. 2) The young women are still coy to talk
about menses in front of men. Today’s women need to take the initiative to convince the society
that it is a natural process of women’s life like any other activity. A menstrual pad, like any
other accessory, can be empowering for all women to carry brazenly in a public forum. 3) Oft
we behold or hear cynics or netizens making opprobrious comments regarding women’s
raiment or their lifestyle. Women’s empowerment should be implemented in these cases.
Because every woman has the right to live on her own terms. 4) “Fuck off” oh no, I didn’t tell
you, the word ‘Fuck’ is used in several senses in English. But in sooth, no sooner did it come
out of a girl’s mouth than she went kooky. Not only I’m talking about third world countries but
also talking about western countries. Here too, notwithstanding, the young lady could exercise
the ability to understand the context in which the word ‘Fuck’ was used. 5) No matter what part
of the world sexworkers are looked down upon, can a mother accept a sexworker as her son’s
wife? Does any educational institution value or care for the child of a sexworker as much as
any other scholars? Although these women are flesh & blood, they are still treated as sexappetizing products. They earn their livelihood through this vocation in the urge to survive. So,
they have to make it clear to anyone that they are not “Aunt Sally”. They should come first in
empowering them & should strive to achieve all their prerogatives. 6) In underdeveloped
countries, whether they are still minors or gals from middle-class families, they are married off
without approbation in lieu of being educated, being independent is a long way off. Against this
unjustness, gals should stand up & be vocal that a gal’s life is not hemmed in her hubby &
offspring. 7) Over & above, women are sexually harassed in different workplaces around the
world, that woman should take immediate legal action. If they are not aware of themselves, if
they don’t cogitate about their own progress, empowerment is undoable. 8) Even in the outlying
villages of undeveloped lands heinous & unpardonable felony like slaying suspected witches
are taking place.
Still in some hidebound societies of a country as diverse as India, giving birth to a girl child is
considered a kind of onus. They grow up with family discrimination. Then according to the
prevailing customs of the society, even after coming into the husband’s family, they are not
saved from neglect, disdain & cozenage. By and by, they must vociferate in the teeth of the
battering or gaslighting. Despicable incidents like acid attacks are still happening. But women’s
contribution to society is never comprehended.
On the motto of women empowerment, violence against women must be ceased pronto.
Women’s empowerment is imperative for the betterment of a society, as it augments both the
quality & the quantity of human resources obtainable for development.

Empowerment is one of the key methodological solicitudes when addressing human rights &
Women’s empowerment in a capacious sense refers to the development of a woman’s ipseity,
ipseity & self-subsistence natch. Empowerment of women is to institute women equal to men
by zeroing inequality & discrimination between men & women. With a view to empowering
women, women must be given the opportunity to ameliorate their potency. Equality between
men & women should be established in all family, social & state spheres & women must be
educated & proficient human resources. Women’s contribution to society & economy
should be appositely esteemed & abuse against them must be impeded, only then will women’s
empowerment be ensured.

Empowerment of women in third world countries not jake. The socio-economic infrastructure
in these states is puny that they can’t provide full facilities for the betterment of their women’s
society. Mythical attitudes, noncooperation in the field of education, insufficient security &
legal measures, illiberality & mien all these create hindrances in the empowerment of women.
Government & private sector should formulate & implement well-designed programs. These
programs will include activities viz enhancing awareness, punitive measures, case management
assistance, safe shelter & rehabilitation, pecuniary aid etc. The Ministry of Women Affairs
should be given maximum powers, so that exemplary punishment can be given to women
abusers. In order to hinder violence against women, the state should speedy disposal of cases
of crimes against women & children & pass timely strict laws.

To solve women’s problems, women should partake in politics rifely. By partaking in politics,
they themselves can play the role of representative in surmounting the exigency of their nation.
Therewithal, political parties & media must take all endeavors.
Women need to be transformed into skilled human resources through education, health, training
& cognitive & cultural development.

Women should be given the scope to participate in fruitful work by providing security to women
in the workstead & equal wages. In addition to increasing the rate of increase in women’s education, textbooks should include
more deets on women’s legal & political rights. Women cannot be confined at home for the
sake of society. The outdated attitude towards women should be changed & brought to the
equivalent status of men in the society. The issue of women’s empowerment was the first
response in the countries of the western world. And the United Nations came forward
to make this empowerment successful. In developed countries, women excel in almost all fields
& men cooperate with women on an equal footing.

Empowerment of women & achieving gender equality is the foremost need of our society to
ensure sustainable development of the country. Multitudinous global leaders & polymaths have
asserted that sustainable development is unthinkable without gender equality & women’s
empowerment. Women who are not empowered women do not
feel equal value in the development process without men. It is widely recognized that the full
inclusion of both women & men are essential for development. Acknowledging only men’s
participation will not be propitious for sustainable development. When it comes to women &
development, women should unimpeachably be favored when it comes to empowerment.
Without gender equality & empowerment, there can be no justice & no social change in the
country. Women’s empowerment plays an enormous role in development & is one of the most
important contributors to development. If young women are not congruously included in
development, women will be unable to facilitate or contribute to the development of the

It is the responsibility & duty of the state to ensure the opportunity to develop the talent & selfsufficiency of women.
Giving full dignity to women, converting her intelligence & labor into strength & by
implementing her self-reliance, it is gettable to assure the empowerment of women
transatlantically, regardless of society, state.
Only through the rapid expansion of women’s education will women be able to break through
the barriers of regulation.

If we educate a man, we educate a person but if we educate a woman, we educate a household.
A woman can start a new epoch by having a child in her womb. So, it is needless to say that
women are not only key mantra of power but also source of inspiration indeed.
Last but not least, my message to the generation z of women is that now is the time to duck out
of the web of social prejudice, religious bigotry, oppression & discrimination in society.