Inner Flow

Nothingness could be difficult
Mirror could be painful
Silence isn’t vulnerable
Sitting still isn’t idle
Healing isn’t necessarily joyful
Wisdom isn’t just jawful

Simple is so beautiful
Real isn’t just relatable
Naked is very natural
Nature is living spiritual
Light & dark are magical
Every form is love universal

Scars I don’t hide but expose
Shiny spots visible on my globe
Bleeding repainted me in two strokes
Trusting beat of the single chord
Loving flames of the burning core
Riding waves of this inner flow

The Mourn Sky

I haven’t slept a minute the whole night
Coz I’m stuck with me in this lost fight
The restlessness in me is like a landslide
Reminiscing the scenes with my wet eyes

I know the reality, it’s so black-white
I still dream if the things were otherwise
The longing to kiss the lips at times
The feeling to simply melt when I hold tight

It takes me to this place with warm light
I can’t even speak this moment coz I’ve no voice
So I touch buttons on my screen to flow rhymes
To dissolve the feelings while I see the mourn sky

I know my reality, it’s my own choice
Coz the purpose of me is to give life
To live from the deep is to keep dying
The love grows in me like a beautiful child

I haven’t closed my lids this whole time
But it’s time to wake up is the inner calling
To shed my skin made of wants & desires
But I’m just a human, I too bleed & sigh

Navin is a poet, writer, blogger & a published author. One day Navin felt this need to write a poem as he had an opening in him. Something had changed deep down, where Navin came in contact with the very being. Self-realization, experiences, raw emotions & some other dimensions is what Navin shares through his poetic creations. Poetry is Navin’s passion, which has this great therapeutic effect on him as well. To Navin darkness & light are equally important, just like the significance of yin & yang, black & white, rough & fine and the unknown & the known.  In November 2021, Navin published his debut poetry book – Lightning Rhymes, which is available in paperback & eBook editions on several online book stores. Navin has also been published in Spillwords Press & MasticadoresUSA and also in a handful of monumental anthologies. To learn & read more about Navin, visit / follow him on Instagram & YouTube -> @navinspoetry_