by Daniel King
Anyon Ethos
So I will Preserve; so I will Destroy
An anyon is my soul; and as a boy
Honeyed is your clay
My plan is advancing dharma
Those times I am hailed as Rama. Pray.
So I will Destroy; so I will Preserve
Mere oats you are to me. Grant you deserve
The fields I will burn
Stalks reduced to letter N’s. Cry
“Warrior!” to me, Kalki, and learn.
Kelp Laser
Swell is roiling far above my head
Wells of sand are spiraling below
Kelp extends as far as I see
So my central standpoint may be the key.
Pearls like prase are glistening in clefts
Thoughts they stir are bubbling, but burst
Somehow spheres are shown as a draft
They are spheres tomorrow’s lasermen craft.
What is the answer I seek?
And who is the weeper I am?
And why is the future so veiled?
And what is the leap I must take?
Visions slowly form within the rips
Tidal easels show themselves to me
Royal figures rise from a reef
And they plot to be our Destiny’s thief.
Stealing Time, they fabricate a sphere
Seeking oneness clearly is their goal
Keepers peer from shadows, and wait
For Kaldog to load the infinite Eight.
This is the answer they seek
And that is their exile’s extent
And that is the leap they must take
To gain for us praise of Kalki.
Here I stand on this desolate world,
Far removed from the glow that I left.
Stars Nubecula Major unfurled
Stab like these, but my mind’s cleft:
Twinning galaxies blaze on the ice,
Fused to form an infinity sign.
No description can ever suffice;
No amazement transcends mine.
Brother bonded, those seething nightwheels
Heighten thoughts of the Twins within me.
Every chant was to make me more real;
Every sign was for Kalki.
Expeditions like this underline
I as well am enabling the real.
Vishnu’s son, I create with my mind
Shiva’s son, I demand steel.
Secant Lads
You are monads, loved for a moment
Attached to me as acolytes
Chords but not diameters, bowmen
Who chant my mantra, solstice nights:
Secant lads, secant lads, secant lads, secant lads
Secant lads, secant lads, secant lads, secant lads
Secant lads, secant lads, secant lads, secant lads
You are nomads, castle encircling
As venomous as aconite;
Tiger moths from Saturn, checkmating
With darts or arrows, sound or light;
You are comrades, Diaz in daring,
As dear to me as ammonites;
Sand from Sagittarius, blasting
With chords of Ø, you topaz knights!
Sonnet: Be Redfish Which See
White horse waves, khaki-swirled, chase the fish that flash
Making surf glint as though Devadatta slashed.
Such red shoals make me think every soul can join:
All we Twelve, Tower-born, share the bond. The cache,
Sphere-enclosed, spreads from Mind, plain to coast to groyne.
Shuka’s beak, topaz red: now it’s dawn, a gash
Day has dealt. Seeing more clearly points the way
Being drew me, Kalki, close to those who cry,
“Just a few days ago I was like a cay
Sea-enclosed; fences shut out November’s sky”.
Far behind, horses foam, shoreline bound; I dry
Board and hair. As on day twenty-seven, high
Insights surge, wave-like. Tell my eleven why.
Make them weigh Vishnu’s name fifty-eight: Red Eye.
About the Author:
![Daniel King](
Daniel King is a prize-winning Australian writer. His poetry collection, Amethysts and Emeralds, was published by Interactive Press on May 15 2018. His hobbies include surfing, skateboarding, following the latest developments in space exploration, and listening to the music of Mike Oldfield and Project System 12.