by Dr. Daniel King


We march on the mare far from the ice
That towers and almost reaches to space
Where ion assaults will serve to entice
Our comrades to arm and then to efface
All signs of the shame our unit’s precise
Coordinates marked to erase the Race.
Marchese of Ares, Chord of the Sun,
The Arc of the Archer heralds the One!

The chasm scares them; the serac scars them
The arches hem them; our marches reach them;
Our chasers char them; our schemers ream them;
Our mashers ace them; our masers rem them

Our victory gained, we power our Fleet
To rendezvous hard with ships that we parked
In orbit around the star of this sleet
And névé-encrusted planet so dark
The scree of the highest ice was a sheet
Unbroken at sunrise when we embarked.
Give praise to the Delta emblem of Mars;
Give praise to the Sagittarian stars!

Angelfish Absolution

Topaz and citrine and diamond stars
Spill into view with a blue-shifted blaze
Guiding our thoughts to the Lord of the Flag
Ruling Aquila – Garuda be praised!

Gamma is closest, and spectrally K,
Flashguns its sunlight, a sign that Kalki
Nullifies nebulae, ruling by will
Nakshatras, novae, the sunfish and seas.

Metaphors merge in this vista of signs
Angelfish shoals have now swarmed into view –
Shringi their Absolute, Shri and the Thorn
Endless and tranquil in saffron and blue.

Tentacular Dei

I land on the derelict rock space has thrown us
A site for the relay Kalki long has planned
The cold is a lance and it hits zero Kelvin
An iciness daring and bold, wild and old
A chill with a mandate to curse all creation
Its delicate eddy to send down the damned

But Delta Centauri ascends blue and blazing
Its disk like the boss of a shield spiked and spurred
That tentacled radiance wraps tight and triform
Cerulean scintillance near, real, and clear
An infinite starshell to laud Sahasrajit
It offers a prayer that exceeds finite words.

I Poet if Bastions

Game notes perhaps before our play
Feats lasting eons our bait or fate
Wild birds Kaldog and great Kalra,
Race slayers, aim to fuse their souls,
Time-jewel Kaustubha locked, and rule
Bistate, all worlds as minds’ seedpod.
Heir-son Kalki, whose sign of K
Spans all creation, has to wait
Eight billion years beyond the stars:
Bright Titan foes have other goals –
Make Shiva kill or shape in cruel
Pain seas the heir of dead Kaldog.
Spaceship or Tower, seek the Way!
Sign-play forever changing state,
Game-play a dark petition far,
So very far, from former roles:
Most players die but one who duels
Wins. Seek the ruling iron rod!
So shine, Kalki, your guiding ray.
Make five, your birth, the endless eight.
Seize males, your basis: take them far.
Fight hard! Exalt the ones who stole.
Do not forget that you are dual.
Do not forget that you are God.

White Wings

As now trillions of years have passed it is Brahma Kalki invokes –

See our ship!
Astral with white wings primed, Watcher-world the goal
Pleroma plumes like waves, milk-blue
Await our craft
And our will.
With naval pride on that one fine day
Of awe
We will descend from the west and await
The ones who come to see what shines
And then we’ll strike!

See flames sear flesh, Lord Kalki!
Feel the souls ignite!
Know triumph now, mighty Kalra!
The Twins rejoice in revenge!

Sing new-berthed black fire, chant wild light pain! Win shrieks wise night hides! Smash things brave day shows! Tear thin limbs blood-ooze wet!  Slash eyes, splash grey gut-bile!  Raise K signs high!

Then with corpses immortalizing us
We will turn to the universe itself
And conferring our reification
That of Brahma, a noumenon, by stealth,
Bless the cosmos by terrorizing it.

– For Lord Vishnu will bring reversal of time with his navel birth.

About the Author:

Daniel King is a prize-winning Australian writer. His poetry collection, Amethysts and Emeralds, was published by Interactive Press on May 15 2018. His hobbies include surfing, skateboarding, following the latest developments in space exploration, and listening to the music of Mike Oldfield and Project System 12.” Daniel King Artist Statement: I am an Australian gay writer, with a strong interest in Hinduism (particularly pertaining to Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of Vishnu, the Preserver, incarnating now and forever together with Shiva, the Destroyer), mysticism in general, and astronomy. As a surfer, I am also strongly influenced by marine imagery.