TEA by Kristal Peace

Ah…uh…well…hmm. I say, old chap, I hope you won’t take offense at – uh…no, no thank you. No tea for me. I…uh...don’t…that is, I eat and drink at home. What I make, you see....

FREE SAMPLES by Olake Muhammad

The grey tray dropped to the ground. “I’m going to have to grab more samples. Where did this line of people come from?” Candance whispered to herself. The crowd backed away from Candance as...

SPIN CYCLES by Kira Morris

Quarters sometimes feel like they were wedged between old movie theater seats– rusted, dirty, and smelling vaguely like a darkening room. Maybe it was because I was a cashier for a department store, but...

MEET CUTE by Marquise Smith

I hated summer. The permeating stench of burning cigarettes, porous sweat and cough-inducing car fumes made my head swim and sway with a mixture of nausea and annoyance. I didn’t know why I left...