by Marc Carver


As we sat in the restaurant
one of the woman who worked in the restaurant came
and sat opposite me for a meeting
I could see her open legs under the table
almost to the crown jewels
I looked a few times
until she could feel my eyes on her skin
then she pushed her hand down to force her skirt down
but she didn’t look at me with disgust
so I started to look in other ways with my shame
but I couldn’t help but trying to look again
until eventually she moved to a new position.
I didn’t know why I didi it
all I can say is
it is my nature.
At the end, after the bill our waitress gave me a customer feedback form
I put good food and good service
but only later did I think to put
a lovely view also.


We went down to the sea
put mud all over us
and baked in the sun.
Some people had left some cut in half water bottles filled with mud
an old Scandinavian man came over to his family
who were covered in mud.
The little girl wanted to put some mud on him
but he shuck his head
and moved away.
I looked at the water bottle
and had a massive urge to grab it
and pour it all over his head
you never know one of these days.


I sat on the bench
finished totally  finished
I asked him to send me something
of course he did
knowing that I would fail
and of course he was right.


As a young man
I was always jealous
as an old man I have no jealousy at all
every chance a man gets he should take it
and forget about the consequences
the trouble is
the older you get
the less chances you get.


The young woman walks along the beach
as soon as she walks 5 steps
the sea washes them away
almost as if

About the Author:

Marc Carver

I have been a writer a long time now and hope that I have given some pleasure to others and this is why I continue to write.