by Roseangelina Batista
Prelúdio ao poema de Ajahn Mun
Ora um fluxo de momentos,
ora um fluxo de vazio presente.
A semântica do coração
Em realidades separativas—
Movimento ou quietude.
Em movimento,
A consciência rodopia multiforme,
Metamorfoseando imagens pareadas—
Bem e mal—
emergem dum arquivo de memórias.
Sentimentos de preferências,
Pensamentos obsessivos,
Palavras impulsivas,
Atos compulsivos.
Imagens instáveis.
Uma tessitura quadriculada
de amor e ódio,
do grosseiro ao refinado
Pressionado a conflitar
sem fim…
Com sua própria miragem
Autocriada e seus reflexos mutantes.
Na quietude,
A consciência
Para de pensar,
E queda absorta em sua natureza imutável,
rochoso silêncio,
irrestrita paz,
Com tudo que muda.
Mudando com as coisas em mudança
não valia a pena pra mim.
Alimentada e beneficiada
em grande escala
pelo ígneo peso do
E-S-T- R-E-S-S-E.
Estresse me forçou a mudar.
Eu restringi meus modos,
exercitei com a razão e atenção
Primeiro aprendi a fazer
as realidades benevolentes aparecerem,
Depois e gradualmente,
sigo aprendendo como abandonar ambas realidades.
Separando as realidades,
Até as coisas não se rivalizarem mais entre si.
Prelude to a poem by Ajahn Mun
Either a flow of moments
Or a flow of timeless void.
Semantic change in the subtleties
Define separate realities.
The first revolves miscellaneously,
Metamorphosing unstable paired images—
Feelings of preferences,
Obsessive thoughts,
Impulsive words and
Compulsive deeds—
A fabric checkered with love and hate,
(from gross to refined ways)
Forcefully fighting, endlessly—
With its own self-created mirages
And changing reflections.
The other one is static,
Engrossed in its own immutable nature,
Unified silence,
And unbridled, undying peace.
Rock-hard, undisturbed
By knowing all changes happening—
With the changing things
Was not worth living to me.
Fueled and profited in
Large scale,
Bur(de)ned by S-T-R-E-S-S…
Stress (s)trained me to change.
I (res)trained my way,
Exerted reason and attention.
First, I learned how to make
The benevolent aspect of reality
Later and gradually,
I am learning how to abandon both—
Becoming able to live in calm
With each single situation.
I am learning how to separate realities,
So things do not combat each other.
About the Author:
Roseangelina Baptista is an American-Brazilian, new aspiring literary voice of multicultural heritage. Currently based in Central Florida, she is also a bilingual freelance writer with interests in promoting poetry and mindfulness for society and in reviving Indo-Portuguese literature. Her essay “Bojja Tharakam: A Brazilian Perspective” was published by Bojja Tharakam Trust, Hyderabad, 2018. Her poetry first appeared in the Joao Roque Literary Journal’s June 2019 issue.