A memory within music,

a ripening

with vineyards overgrown,

and your mind’s ear in tune;

alert with days

you look through a small window

at strangers,

the relentless wave-pulse,

uncorked knowledge

on a journey

through a territory

where time gathers

shards of meaning.

A frustration of the heart’s

burning sound,

your quiet breath of power

blurring with the grey rain.


A neolithic land

drowned by the early

rising sea.

The legend of church

bells that ring

on calm evenings

beneath the waves of Cardigan Bay.

The fertile cousins

in Europe,

a genealogy of tales,

Holland’s dyke and the submerged

cathedral off the Breton coast,

with Debussy’s thoughts

listening for the music

to his piano prelude.


A change in the weather

like salt on ice.

Eyes close and the day

ticks away like sleep

and half-remembered dreams.

Threatening rattles,

voices beneath lids,

the wind is heavy

against the walking figure.

The girl in the yellow dress

toes the water,

her face is new

and free of windows.

She takes her age seriously

but the silence is frightening

like a lost rainbow.


An enduring landscape

outside a Mediterranean house

entered with sunshine and shade,

arranged the furniture of the mind

by waking the morning’s mirror

in the early calm of day.

Yellow mimosa, maroon-

pink, apple-green, those blossoming

jewels stroked from nature

inside the hush of interiors,

a sensual medley of brush work

for the key of iridescent light.

Byron Beynon lives in Wales. His work has appeared in several publications including The Adelaide Literary Magazine, The London Magazine, North of Oxford, Poetry Ireland Review, Poetry Wales, Grey Sparrow and the human rights anthology In Protest (University of London and Keats House Poets).  Collections include Cuffs (Rack Press) and The Echoing Coastline (Agenda Editions). A selection of his work is forthcoming from Moonstone Press (Philadelphia), entitled A View from the Other Side.