PARTIAL ECLIPSE – Poems by Dustin Pickering

PARTIAL ECLIPSEPoems by Dustin Pickering Partial EclipseI was hungover last nightand my poetry was weak, futile as curdled milk.I washed my face with warm waterand returned the pen to its inkwell.I am poisoned by official...

GATHERING – Poems by Olivia Harman

GATHERINGPoems by Olivia Harman Gathering Today the gathering comes after the stormand I sit tight, my teeth pressed togetherlike keys in intricate locks,while outside that stillness starts gathering, a solemn warning, asking us to clear up...

THE MOON – Poems by Natalie Crick

THE MOONPoems by Natalie Crick Night They came out toWatch the moon,A chalky paleness in the sky,Wet from an evening’sSnow, gathering shadowsIn a field and hoarding them.Darkness waitedDimly in the trees,As a motherSlowly, slowlyWithdrawing a childFrom...

TO MY FRIENDS, WHO NEVER LEFT HOME – Poems by Lucas Heilbroner

   TO MY FRIENDS, WHO NEVER LEFT HOMEPoems by Lucas Heilbroner   To My Friends, Who Never Left HomeIMy brothers peel their skin and leer-Eyes bugging-Through exhaust and broken corner stops.Reeling into thuggish scenes of postulated positioned...

BROKEN HAND – Poems by Camille Germain

BROKEN HANDPoems by Camille Germain Asthma There’s been this gnat flying around my room for daysevery time I feel its pinprick of a body in my palmit vanishes, into, through, out of the thick heat stroked...

POETRY BY LEE YUK SA, Translated by Sekyo Nam Haines

POETRY BY LEE YUK SATranslated by Sekyo Nam Haines   About Lee Yuk Sa:Born 1904 in Andong, South Korea, Lee Yuk Sa belongs to the first generation of Korean modern poets. Korea was under Japanese rule...

WHEN CUTTING FISH, Poems by John Grey

WHEN CUTTING FISHBy John Grey  WHEN CUTTING FISHConcentrate on your fingernot the creature's eye.Given half the chance,the blade will slip,the dead will stare right at you.Don't spill blood.Don't feel guilt.Here on earth,you need to knowwhen...

EMBERFOOT, A poem by Richard King Perkins II

EMBERFOOTBy  Richard King Perkins II Gasp, my stranger. Contract like burning paper.You’re distant; as loud as footsteps on anthraciteechoing away from where you once belonged.Hold on to my hand. Just don’t break my fingers.Below the...

CROSS COUNTRY TRIP, Poems by Janet McCann

CROSS COUNTRY TRIPBy Janet McCann  CROSS COUNTRY TRIPSigns on the highway, next exitThe marionette museum!  The bargain outlet!The ice cream factory! But you do not turnAnd you think, maybe you need never exit,Just ride down...