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THE MOON – Poems by Natalie Crick

THE MOONPoems by Natalie Crick Night They came out toWatch the moon,A chalky paleness in the sky,Wet from an evening’sSnow, gathering shadowsIn a field and hoarding them.Darkness waitedDimly in the trees,As a motherSlowly, slowlyWithdrawing a childFrom...

PARTIAL ECLIPSE – Poems by Dustin Pickering

PARTIAL ECLIPSEPoems by Dustin Pickering Partial EclipseI was hungover last nightand my poetry was weak, futile as curdled milk.I washed my face with warm waterand returned the pen to its inkwell.I am poisoned by official...

BOX SPRING ORACLE – Poems by Kathryn Gesser

BOX SPRING ORACLEPoems by Kathryn Gesser The Invention of Loneliness End of summerI saw youthrough sleepless eyes,could only speakin hushed pastel tones.Under thick bass notesand static mingling,my words were drowned.Smoked myself to sleepbefore you could readmy...

SICK AT THE THOUGHT – A short story by Joshua Hren

SICK AT THE THOUGHTBy Joshua Hren Little Michael let himself in the backdoor, his lank hand firm around the hydraulic meant to ease the door shut without slam, his black bangs cut in such a...

PICKING COLORS – A short story by Terry Sanville

PICKING COLORSBy Terry Sanville In a field along an eastern reach of the Gambia River, Nyima picked cotton. Her daughter suckled at her breast as she stooped to pluck the white fluff from the sharp...


TIMES BEING WHAT THEY AREBy Beth Deitchman Raymond put off telling his employees about the impending branch closure for three weeks.  At first he held onto the hope that the bank's prospects would change, and...

HEADLESS BUDDHA by Stephen J. Gallas

HEADLESS BUDDHABy Stephen J. Gallas The baked clay temple towered over the clearing surrounded by lush green foliage, and served as the only landmark in sight. This particular temple was set away from the innumerable...