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A DIFFERENT ME, A short story by Donald McCarthy

A DIFFERENT ME By Donald McCarthy I travel to parallel universes. It’s not a voluntary experience. I am living my life one second and living another the next. Weeks will go by without a trip...


With four quarterly issues published, we are entering the second year of the Adelaide Literary Magazine. Over five hundred pages of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, book reviews, news, interviews, and art; thirty-six authors from nine...

ELIZABETH O’NEILL Interview with the author of “Killing John, John, and John”

ELIZABETH O’NEILLInterview with the author of the novel Killing John, John, and John Liz, tell us a bit about yourself.I was born in Penrith (that is in England) to Scottish parents, we soon moved however...

JOHN NICHOLL Interview with the author of the “Portrait of the Dead”

JOHN NICHOLL Interview with the author of the thriller “Portrait of the Dead” John Nicholl, an ex police officer, child protection social worker, manager and lecturer, has written three dark psychological suspense thrillers, each of which...


A DISSOLUÇÃO DO REGIMEN CAPITALISTA Por Teixeira Bastos (1897) I Ninguem hoje contesta que o homem tem direito á vida. A legislação punindo o abôrto, reconhece-lhe esse direito ainda antes mesmo de nascer. O direito á vida...

CANTOS SAGRADOSde Manuel de Arriaga

CANTOS SAGRADOS  de Manuel de Arriaga LIVRO PRIMEIRODEUS E A ALMA I O QUE EU VI Sahi um dia a contemplar o mundo,Por vêr quanto ha de bello e quanto brilhaNa multipla e gloriosa maravilha,Que anda suspensa em o...

HOMENAGEM AO MARQUEZ DE POMBAL Por Alberto de Magalhães (1882)

HOMENAGEM AOMARQUEZ DE POMBALPor Alberto de Magalhães  (1882) AO MARQUEZ DE POMBAL Por Alberto de MagalhãesPoesia recitada no Theatro Valenciano,no sarau litterario-musical de 8 de maio de 1882. I De joelhos heroes! Baixai a fronte altiva,Que passa triumphante,...

SAT SUPEREST, A Short story by John C. Young

Sat Superest by John Young The car stopped at the gate, and the two male occupants stared ahead—as though instead of a mere conjoined unit of hinged wood, the obstacle were some farmyard sinkhole newly visible...

TRUTH ACCORDING TO MICHAEL, Chapters 7-8 By Stevan V. Nikolic

TRUTH ACCORDING TO MICHAELA novel by Stevan V. Nikolic Chapter Seven - The Second American Woman        That Wednesday at the regular House Meeting attended by all students and staff, the Director announced that Michael was...

OF-NOTE, A short story by Mehreen Ahmed

The Black Coat                                                                      A short story by Mehreen Ahmed One black, wintry night, Piccolo -Xavier bumped into someone while crossing the boulevard Peripherique. Once he was across, the person on the receiving end was not visible anymore and it...