Not to be Blue

The day starts anew
its murmurs are all true
this early pandemic sunrise
towers above our chaotic world.
and brings bouquets of fresh flowers.

In a snap, the sun quickly sets
and we fall asleep free of regrets.
for months on end, this cycle continues
as one sunset merges into
the next sunrise
as we all awaken to pray
of new beginnings.

Terminal Sweetness

My daughter Regine suffers
from something many of us
wish we had, but it can
handicap even an ordinary life.
She was born with terminal
sweetness, first noticed even
before her high Apgar score was yelled
out by the stressed out O.R. nurse.

Regine was born smiling,
happy and round.
Her father said she was so perfect that
her smile belonged on the side of a pamper

Now twenty years later her perfection
makes us proud as she sprinkles her love
on those blessed by her presence.

She rejoices when her loved ones are happy
and whimpers when they’re sad
and does anything in her power,
even to her own detriment,
to release the pain in a loved ones’ heart.

Regine doesn’t even eat meat.
That hurts animals.


when we spend even a short minute together
a rush of creative musings unleash
inside pent up me
like faucet set free from its base
and the world’s answers appear
without me stopping to answer
amidst shivering limbs beside crisscrossed toes
and a soul that craves being twisted with yours
then when your toes curl it makes my heart sing
as only then do I know I’ve given you back
all that you’ve shared with me
that eruption of sorts
that I never want to live without.
please stay longer.

Diana Raab, PhD, is an award-winning memoirist, poet, blogger, speaker, and author of 10 books and is a contributor to numerous journals and anthologies. Her two latest books are, “Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life,” and “Writing for Bliss: A Companion Journal.” Her poetry chapbook, “An Imaginary Affair,” was recently published in July 2022 with Finishing Line Press. She blogs for Psychology Today, Thrive Global, Sixty and Me, Good Men Project, and The Wisdom Daily and is a frequent guest blogger for various other sites. Visit: