BLUES BUSKER by John Sweeder

BLUES BUSKERby John Sweeder  Blues Busker The young mancradles his harmonicawith cupped handscaressing it with his soul,coaxing emotionfrom its compact formas poets do with pens. Tunes jazz fromhis mouth harpthrough long fingerswith knobby knuckles,wafting tabasco tunesas spicy...

THERE WAS TIME by Dean Baltesson

THERE WAS TIMEBy Dean Baltesson There Was Time There was a timewhen time was in store for uswe discovered a summerand we wanted lovewanted so much for love and time to arrive. But then we heardthere never...

JOSIE by Sahina Jerome

JOSIEby Sahina Jerome JosieThe days, months leading up to her death anniversaryis like being punchedin the lungs.You're gasping for breath.You're grasping for something that will ever beunreachable.The day of her death anniversary, you hear the...

EXPLORER by Fabrice Poussin

EXPLORERby Fabrice Poussin Explorer A soul floats gently below the thin surfaceof pearly satin to find its way through a networkof highways to life animated with soft starsrings and strings a giant canvas her image. Her senses...

SUPER-8 by Timothy B. Muren

   SUPER-8by Timothy B. Muren   Super-8Your grave, Phil Silver, should be here,Philip’s Fill-Up—Gas and Gro.  Hilarious, bro.filled up with bones like a new Christian, like a new Big-Wheel coasting to dirt, downsteep on plastic, breaking apart against...

WINTER by Craig Kennedy

WINTERby Craig Kennedy Night music The gold streetlamp sheds itsbrilliant hysteriapushing sour sunshine to inifinitedistancesuncharted by the small men in the streetunappreciated by the grapefruit moon. Winter Gregorian chant, burning wood,the midnight blue riverfrozen thick and bittersweet,congealed near...

SUMMER by Sarah Snyder

SUMMERby Sarah Snyder Summer Surrounded by low bushesand small thorny plants, I sit, still and small beside the sharp branchesunder a porch, listen for footsteps. This is a game. It could be sardines,hide & seek, capture the flag,...

BOARDER by Daisy Bassen

BOARDERby Daisy G. Bassen   The egg is balanced on the rim of the glass bowl.It fills the space my palm is meant to hold.The energy that will become the crackingLimns the shell. The moment cracksWith...

THE CLOSED DOOR by Mukund Gnanadesikan

THE CLOSED DOORby Mukund Gnanadesikan  THE CLOSED DOOR The closed door never opens Unless a hand so brave Can brave the darkness Find the knob And twist against The forces of inertia Fearful though they be And thus the dark room Stays inhabited For days Or...

MIDLIFE by Timothy Robbins

MIDLIFEby Timothy Robbins Midlife You go to bed early. The typewriter(which stutters) is locked in the closetfor fear it will write somethingbeautiful. It does anyway, clatteringon its own in the arms of all those emptyshirts, between...