por Jose Manuel SÁNCHEZ


Times Square.
Marzu, 2017.
La Hestoria convidome
a chumar un treitu.
La Hestoria,
-díxome ella-
fai tiempu que punxo’l so llar
en Nueva York.
Ye un bon llugar
-díxome ella-,
pa decatase
de que de xemes en cuandu
ye posible
algamar los suaños


Times Square.
Mars, 2017.
History invited me
to have a drink.
-she told me-
was living for some time
in New York.
It is a good place
-she told me-
to understand
that sometimes,
it is posible
to reach the dreams.


Ye’l peor llugar del mundiu
pa escaecer a les muses,
pa escecer al amor braeru.
Ye ellí au ñació la saudade.
Ye un llugar
p’entamar a escribir poemes,
anque nun seyas poeta.
Ye un llugar
qu’arreciende a océanu,
a llonxanes aventures,
a viaxe (el mio arume preferíu).
Ye un llugar
au tolos nómades s’afayen.
Falo de Llisboa.
Tuvi na ciudá fai venti años,
pero alcuérdome más del arume
de la ciudá
que del arume
de munches persones
d’aquella dómina.


It is the worst place in the world
to forget the muses,
to forget the true love.
It is there
where the saudade was born.
It is a place
to begin to write poems,
even if you are not a poet.
It is a place
which smells like the ocean,
like the distant adventures,
like the travel
-my preferred flavor-.
It is a place
where all the nomads
feel good.
I speak about Lisbon.
I visited the city
twenty years ago ,
but I remember more
the flavor of the city
than the flavor of a lot of people
of that period.


Nun sé si dalguna vegada
chumasti daqué
nel Lake Street Bar.
Ye un chigre allugáu’n Brooklyn.
Yo taba de pasu
-yo ero un eternu nómada-
na capital del mundiu.
Ellí pescancié lo que ye
un oasis lloñe de casa.
Una nueche,
un xueves,
el pinchadiscos punxo
un canciu de Los Ramones.
Paecía un xueves
na mio propia casa.


I don’t know if sometimes
you have drink something
in the Lake Street Bar
It is a bar located in Brooklyn.
I was visitng
-I am an eternal nomad-
the capital of the world.
I understood there
what is an oasis
far from home.
One night,
one Thursday,
the Dj put a song
interpreted by The Ramones.
It seemed a Thursday
in my own home.



Prestame la nueche
de Shanghai.
Son les tres de la mañana.
Abaxu, al delláu del hotel,
atopo un chamizu abiertu.
Merco una cerveza Tsingtao.
Préstame tar equí, lloñe
de tolo que fui,
lloñe de tolo qu’ero.
Ye una nueche d’eses
qu’enxamás escaezcen
los que ñacieren
pa ser nómades.


I like the Shanghai’s night.
It is three in the morning.
Below, near to the hotel,
I find a store open.
I buy a Tsingtao beer.
I like to be here,
far from all I was,
far from all I am.
It is one of those nights
which never will be forgotten
by all those who were born
to be nomads.


Esti poema foi escritu
al atapecer
pa escaecer
que barafustié
una xornada más,
pa escaecer
que caltengo
nel mio horru de tiempu
una xornada menos.

Esti poema
ye tolo que fexo’l mundiu
güei por min,
ye tolo que fici yo
güei pol mundiu.


This poem was written
at nightfall
to forget that I have wasted
one day more,
to forget that I preserve
in my time granary
a day less.

That poem is all
what the world have done
today for me,
it is all what I have done
for the world.

About the Author:


José Manuel Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He holds a Ph.D. in History (University of Oviedo) and he is anthropologist. He also studied Tourism and has earned three Masters (History, Protocol and the third in Philately and Numismatic). He published several books in Asturian language and papers and articles in various journals and reviews.