Por Xe M. Sánchez
¿Pescáncieslo agora,
nesti tiempu de peste,
d’incertidume, de llerza?
Nos, que dexamos
les nueses güelgues na lluna,
nos, que pescanciamos
l’alquimia vieya de la poesía
nos, qu’inventamos los reloxes
pa domar el tiempu,
nos, que talantamos que somos
los amos del mundiu,
nos, collaciu,
tamién somos los fíos
de la diosa Xea,
malpenes puxarra cósmicu,
que naide remembrará
el primer día’l branu.
By Xe M. Sánchez
Do you understand it now,
in this time of plague,
of incertitude, of fear?
We, who have left our footprints
over the moon,
we, who understand
the ancient alchemy of poetry,
we, who have invented clocks
to tame the time,
we, who think that we are
the masters of the world,
we, my friend,
we are also the sons
of the goddess Gaea,
scarcely cosmic waste,
which nobody will remember
the first day of summer.
Por Xe M. Sánchez
De xuru que dalgún día escamplará.
Nun t’esmolezas.
Tou tien un entamu ya un acabu.
Agora ye tiempu pa la resilencia.
Agora ye tiempu pa decatamos
de que nun hai solombres ensin lluz,
y la lluz siempres torna tres la nueche.
Agora ye tiempu pa remembrar
los suaños qu’entá nun algamamos
y los poemes que tan esperándomos
nos cruces de caleyes,
nos chigres afayadizos
y nos llabios qu’entá nun besamos.
Agora ye tiempu pa pescanciar
lo que ye importante
y les babayaes que talantábamos
que yeren lo más importante.
Dalgún día entamará otra vegada…
el mundiu.
By Xe M. Sánchez
It is sure that one day it will clear up.
Don’t worry.
Everything has a beginning and an end.
Now it is time for the resilience.
Now it is time to realize
that there is no shadow without a light,
and the light always returns after the night.
Now it is time to remember
the dreams which we have not yet achieved
and the poems which are waiting for us
in the crossroads,
in the welcoming pubs
and in the lips that we have still not kissed.
Now it is time to understand
what is important
and the nonsenses that we thougth
that they were very important.
One day it will start again…
the world.
Por Xe M. Sánchez
Si nun atopes abellugu
baxu’l sol,
si nun atopes abellugu
nos tos alcuerdos,
si nun atopes abellugu
nel futuru,
si nun atopes abellugu
nes pallabres
de los homes que vendieren
les sos ánimes al diañu,
si nun atopes abellugu
nel espeyu,
si nun atopes abellugu
nun escaezas que nun tas solu.
Entóncenes, quiciabes tarás llistu
pa entamar,
el más puru poema
(el to poema).
By Xe M. Sánchez
If you cannot find a shelter
under the sun,
if you cannot find a shelter
in your memories,
if you cannot find a shelter
in the words
of those men who have sold
their souls to the devil,
if you cannot find a shelter
in the mirror,
if you cannot find a shelter
do not forget that you are not alone.
Then you will be ready, maybe,
to begin,
the most pure poem
(your poem).
Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his Ph.D in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016, he is anthropologist, and he also studied Tourism and three masters. He has published in Asturian language Escorzobeyos (2002), Les fueyes tresmanaes d’Enol Xivares (2003), Toponimia de la parroquia de Sobrefoz. Ponga (2006), Llué, esi mundu paralelu (2007), Les Erbíes del Diañu (E-book: 2013, Paperback: 2015), Cróniques de la Gandaya (E-book, 2013), El Cuadernu Prietu (2015), and several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal, France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, England, Canada, Reunion Island, China, Belgium and Ireland.