In the Flow of the Light
A warm, comforting light
fringes the window
with quiet prayers.
A year or two can pass in a second,
as noiseless as yellowjackets
sampling daises.
I welcome that silence
containing hints of lilacs,
when seasons are still shaping.
We are tested to see how much we can take,
and we are stretched to accommodate more
brighter, delicious melodies.
Nothing bad lasts forever.
Martin Willitts Jr has 25 chapbooks including the Turtle Island Quarterly Editor’s Choice Award, “The Wire Fence Holding Back the World” (Flowstone Press, 2017), plus 20 full-length collections including the Blue Light Award 2019, “The Temporary World”. His recent book is “Unfolding Towards Love” (Wipf and Stock, 2020).