Alabaster Breast Milk
Ilk Horns Dragon-Lilies Zodiac redemption
Irish wine Brandy sniffer grace
She’ll be back in a flash
Limp as a wet rag looking at her face
Pollenate paraphernalia paper trash
Alabaster Breast Milk white gulden embrace
Cotton polis flourished exceedingly rash
Her Tin of navels jest totty grace
Blue Fox Seats
Little pool by the rocks covered with straw
Expensive Blue Fox Seats in her Cadillac
She stole an arm around his waist, then a smack
Pent-up feelings dry grace nicely before redemption guffaw
Tinder-box clattering See-Saw
Perfectly served toast in a stack
Impetuous fellow character of the Zodiac
Scorching his things wearing Azure for awe
Her Violin
Seated crossed-legged playing her Violin
Transmigration grace of foul flower rot
Menem-psychosis redemption Gin
My hat was hanging on the floor under Apricots
Nicked myself shaving in a blindfold
Word of God’s Robot
Smelling her fresh printed rag paper gets retold
Nudging the door open with her knee to leave his Yacht|
The Sun was setting the color of Gold
Headstone Swag
Vision of Jack priest’s nightmare office
Red bridge sag
Ruddy wool carper rag
Ghost woman nag
Grave yard headstone swag
Chalk-scrawled youth’s prejudice
Bull-dog’s tail wag
Sea the lobe arching of the orangutan
Old man’s age
Whirling whistle clang
Sea cold eyes rampage
Maladroit silk Boomerang
Slope of Sage
Old hag rang
Sonnet CCVI
Little pool by the rock covered with straw
Expensive blue fox seats in her Cadillac
Stole an arm around her waist, then a smack
Pent-up feelings dry nicely before guffaw
Tin box clattering See-Saw
Perfectly served silver toast in a stack
Impetuous fellow strength of character Zodiac
Scorching the things wearing Azure for awe
Gnawing sorrow on her face, her very soul’s flash
Hair slightly freckled with gray, alabaster blue face
Griddle cakes golden black hue in the trash
Unshed tears death us too embrace
Wisk well like white of eggs in a rash
Her eyes giving way to tears paly light of grace
Terry Brinkman has been painting for over forty five years. He started creating Poems. Five Amazon E- Books. Poems in Rue Scribe, Tiny Seed, jute Milieu Lit and Utah Life Magazine. Snapdragon Journal, Poets Choice, In Parentheses, Adelaide Magazine, UN/Tethered Anthology and the Writing Disorder.