for J. G. Verne

Neath the kilns
of Coplay,
one mile deep,


through caverns
of twinkling aquamarine.

Rooms untouched,
musty cold,

gurgling streams teemed
with finned marmalade,

shrooms golden brown
like altar bread,

opening worlds
within worlds.

T. J. Masluk, poet and writer, has work appearing in The Columbia Review, Wisconsin Review, Schuylkill Valley Journal, Ekstasis, Writer’s Block Magazine, New Contrast, The Hong Kong Review, The Seventh Quarry, The Galway Review, in the anthology Without a Doubt (NYQ Books), and elsewhere. He’s from Northampton, Pennsylvania, has master’s degrees from Columbia University, a Ph.D. from Sofia University, and studied creative nonfiction at the University of Oxford. Further details about him may be found at: NYQ Poets – T. J. Masluk