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PALAVRAS – By Pierre Sotér

PALAVRASBy Pierre Sotér Palavrasto the memory of António Aleixo           P’ras palavras serem fundas,e da vida também parte,não precisam ser fecundas,nem sequer de muita arte.Há palavras vagabundas,e outras que são estandarte,há palavras tão rotundas,de paixão, amor que...

RISEN – By John L. Stanizzi

RISENBy John L. Stanizzi RisenBe on such simple, cordial terms with those under you that when you are all together,it would be impossible to say which is the superior.-St. Vincent de Paul Each log is consumes...

MEMORIAL – By Geoffrey A. Rubin

MEMORIALBy Geoffrey A. Rubin Memorial Weeping willows talkAnd haunt a temple of solace.In a soothing slow voiceWhispers down from heaven.The power of those not presentInspires witnessed remembrance of The silence of the sacrificedAnd our own calling on...

KAME WARURU / JAR BREAKING – Translation by William Waters

KAME WARURU Jar BreakingTranslation by William Waters   A SONG FOR AHN, MYONG HWAOriginal Korean:Phonetic Korean:Ahn-gay-ga god-hee-goMyong-song-ee sa-ra-chee-chaHwa-rha Harm-ee Da-shee sal-lan-nan-da. English:As the mist risesVenus disappears;Even the dust sparkles.    KAME WARURU* Jar Breaking                        For BashoI hadforgottenthe jarin thekitchen,--had forgottenthe openwindows,and the...

THE HOUSE, AFTER SANDY – By Samantha Zimbler

THE HOUSE, AFTER SANDYBy Samantha Zimbler 1.  The GirlNo airplanes flew by.Outside the window, I saw small dogs shiveringhelplessly as they floated down a riverof boats and houses. I spent the dark days cultivating mindfulnessin a...


WRITING FOR STRANGERSBy Olaf  Dammann 1where do storks comefrom? if nothing else,tender enchantrix, whereis your self, yourbones are wrapped insilver linings, thatevery cloud musthave, like ends oftunnels musthave light2strangers, idealcompanions ontrips to the uncertainif the...

FINGERNAIL CLIP #2 – By Kevin Rabas

FINGERNAIL CLIP #2By Kevin Rabas Fingernail Clip #2 Running late,playing brushes tonight,and loading big metalcymbal and snare stands in,tricky on the fingers,so I’m in the parking lotstanding, quickly clipping my nails,so the finger clippings don’t stickto...

CAPRICCIO – By Maureen Eppstein

CAPRICCIOBy Maureen Eppstein  Capricciofor no reasonIl capro, the goat on the hillsudden, unpredictable change, as of one's mindhip-hobble, hip-hobblesomersaultscartwheelssunlight on white daisieson the verge of a city street, a dusty sunflowera garden planted with whirligigsamethyst...


FORBIDDEN LOVEBy Ray Fenech Forbidden LoveWhen they made love the first timeHe never thought she’d walk away;In his mind it was: until death do us apart.When she wiped his sperm from her handIt was the...

LULLABY ON WEST 133rd – By Laurel Kaye

LULLABY ON WEST 133rdBy Laurel Kaye Lullaby on West 133rd The plane collides and you arriveto murmurs of hyphenated welcomein the halls of terminal 4There was no room for you in Edenso you found a place...