by Nate Tulay  Fact, if you TELL humans to breed based on intellect they will tell you that you are racist and mad and that intellect isn’t all to life.But if you were to tell them to breed based on behavior they really can’t make any rational argument since no one wants to be with a negative and hateful and violent and abusive and revengeful and self centered and irrational and inconsiderate and jealous person at all given that if someone knew the person he or she is interested in were negative and hateful and violent and abusive and revengeful and self centered and irrational and inconsiderate and jealous he or she might not even entertain the idea of them. And so you have to make an argument based on behavior to checkmate humans.And the madness is the fact that an understanding and honest and fair and kind and friendly and compassionate and loving person is also an intellectual and creative because to live in accordance with those things you have to have a rational reason or be a mutated human with the nature of Aliens in flesh.Presenthia’s Flag: A white or black flag with a shining yellow sun in the middle of the flag and a sphere circle made of the rainbow colors around the shinning yellow sun.Empire: Presenthia ( Pre-sen-thia )Nationality: Presenthians ( Pre-sen-thians )Ethnicity: HumanReligion: Cosmic FriendshipLeader: The People of PresenthiaMotto: We the PEOPLE of Presenthia vow to always challenge ourselves to live in accordance with fairness and honesty and kindness and understanding and compassion and love and friendship each day to give birth to a more colorful nation and universe wherever we go!Slogan: I am Presenthia and Presenthia is a BETTER and more Colorful ME. The person I always wanted to be but couldn’t be in this life.PSWhat does a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Black Hebrew Israelites, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindi, Jain, Mormon, Scientologist have on a Presenthian?? What do they have on a Presenthian?? What do they have on the highest biological beings the earth is capable of giving birth too??  About the Author:A wise man once said, “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” – Nietzsche  My name is Nate Tulay and I am an aspiring Liberian-American poet. I would love to tell you all more about my story but I can’t because I do NOT have the words to thoroughly explain it as of hitherto; however, I will foreshadow the exposition of my future poetry book by telling you all I was born in a third world country during a civil war with two major birth defects and also experienced another Civil War when I was four and lost my childhood innocence to it. My experiences and struggles made me a philosopher sooner rather than later in life and they are also my motivations to strive for greatness and be a fair and kind and friendly and loving and understanding and compassionate and honest person one day at a time.