Angel of Bridgeport
The County called me up
For Jury Duty
I had to report on the 27th
To make sure I got there
By 8:15 A.M.
I took a drive up there
Mother in tow.
The Map Quest’s directions
Confused me
Driving is hard
When you have two stapled
Papers in your free hand
and a steering wheel
in the other.
Traveling through Blue Bell and
Fort Washington
Left me in a tizzy
Asked directions from
A guy mowing his lawn
To a harried father
wrestling with his kids in a Norriton
Police Station
Tried to find directions
In A Wendy’s restaurant
On Route 202
No one knew where
the courthouse was
because they all lived
in Philadelphia.
Drove over the bridge
Into Bridgeport
An angel in a volleyball court
Showed us how to get back
To 202 North
With directions from his computer
Leaving the sporting complex,
I bent down and
picked up a feather from the floor
Could it have come
from this Bridgeport Angel
who gave us
directions back home?
Linda Barrett’s passion has always been writing. Ever since she was small, she has had a pen in her hand. She lives in Abington, A suburb of Philadelphia, Pa. She is involved with two writing groups and her two churches. Her work is featured in various print and on-line publications.