Dark Moon, Loneliness and Hope

      By Gary William Ramsey

The Dark Moon disappears
while I sit here, gazing at the star filled sky.
Its absence allows quiet times.
During these peaceful times,
I think of the mysteries of the universe.

I think of life, death, and happiness.
I think of love, and of her,
and her elusiveness from my heart.

She is still a mystery and a fantasy.
A muse, who infrequently appears
to keep me confused and excited.
The pleasures of her sweet love
are locked away in my ambiguous dreams.

The warmth of her presence is buried deep
within the reality of my insecurities.
My refusal to release my dream into reality
is burning the core of truth.
I now exist alone, within normality and boredom.

Bathed in the gaze of my eyes,
and the sorrows within my soul,
the Dark Moon casts its invisible slivers of light.
Its blackness remains more beautiful than the stars
But my heart rejects its rare splendor.

At this time, my bravery is harshly limited,
as I conform to civilization’s demands.
I live my life with blinders on,
While playing the fools game,
unwilling to gamble for happiness.

The Dark Moon’s elusive rays spilled
from the hands of the night sky.
They are seeping into every crevice of my mind.
Maybe my love is out there somewhere. If she appears, my emptiness will be fulfilled.

Gary William Ramsey was born in Monroe, North Carolina. He graduated from Western Carolina University with degrees in Business Administration and Social Sciences. He enjoyed a highly successful career in retail, achieving the titles of President and CEO of two major U.S. corporations. Gary lived in 17 different locations in the USA and has traveled to numerous countries around the world. He uses these experiences in his writings. Gary presently resides in Kemah, Texas.