THE RUNNER by Alessio Zanelli

The Runner On feet of dreams the runner’s headed to land’s end.She knows the horizon keeps receding while she’s running,but she runs as though it didn’t.A finish line is not her aim.Along the pathway time’s...

A BLESSING by Dayna Lellis

My Phone Died This silence makes me confrontthe thoughts I’ve tried to represswith an assembly line ofvoices and videos. My Longest Relationship My longest relationship is with myself.To keep the love alive, I need to ask:Are my...

WHAT IT CAME TO by Peter Cashorali

What It Came To I never thought it would come to thisWhen I drove across town to get more cocaineOr watched the bulldozer fill in the graveOr played in the waves with my bucket and...

THIRD EYE SAGAS by Megan Denese Mealor

Painting Party at an Indian Buffet I am scumbling a cataract waterfall with underhanded oils,ad-libbing the lilac current and dysmorphic October Glory maple trees.Feeling prolific and pioneering, I fashion a festooned mermaidheadlining shamrock curls, gaudy...

NAKED IN DREAMS by Michael Eaton

Parting Is Sweet Sorrow she leftanddidn’t leavemuch of herself—a blond hairdropped without care,frayed golden threadon a worn and stained carpet,a cup of coffee,half-filled, unstirred,and a smell lingeringon the morning sheetslike a winter fog lying lightlyover...


Amicus Curiae in Igne Amicus curiae: an individual or organization who is not a party to a legal case, but who is permitted to assist a court by offering information, expertise, or insight that has...

A CHILD LOST by Ray Keifetz

Fool’s Birthday Not every daydo you pass through a doorwithout opening itand behind the iron boltfind cake. Not every dayagainst the slow grinding glaciers,evaporating seas,the calcificationof every human heart,do you sing. Not every day is a birthday.Not...

EXPAT by Joe Albanese

Trading Post at the Edge of Known Empty more mistaken pearlto curl fate and find oneself somewhere withno starsand no fear,no knots andno ends The varied cost not haggled,just peaked and tipped Traverse naught and koan, andtrust the seed...