WHERE ARE YOU GOING by Dennis Williams

Where are you going? Where are you going?So late at nightIt’s way past bedtimeIt’s long past midnight Are you running from some turmoil?Did you see a terrible fight?What causes you to be out?Or to take this...

FOREVER by Adelaide B. Shaw

A Lover’s Song come to mefor comfort and for warmthcome to me for lovefor friendship and for trustfor understanding and for care come to me for lovefor sunlit days and star filled nightsfor laughter and for...

THIRD EYE SAGAS by Megan Denese Mealor

Painting Party at an Indian Buffet I am scumbling a cataract waterfall with underhanded oils,ad-libbing the lilac current and dysmorphic October Glory maple trees.Feeling prolific and pioneering, I fashion a festooned mermaidheadlining shamrock curls, gaudy...

SOFT, DEAD LEAF by Winslow MacDonald

I. Soft, Dead Leaf The night that you killed yourselfI walked down to the clearing whereAs boysWe had built a settlement,As pioneers we cleared the trees,And when the land gasped outWe leaned logs against bouldersAnd...

NO BONES ABOUT IT by Ken Holland

NO BONES ABOUT IT Someone told me that my storywas a story that would be told.But I can’t remember who it wasthat spoke when he spoke so.Or who he said the teller would be.Or if...


Transcontinental How do you take it? She says.Clouds have rolled in, drawn thinend to end like cotton pantieson high-tension wire. Below the seaof non-native grasses is Lincoln,then below alkali flats,the lost golden tablets of Joseph...

EMPEROR’S CONCERTO by Richard Weaver

Emperor’s Concerto, Ocean Springs MS, 1943 My blackened windows are part of the coastalwar defense, or so I’ve been told. Even so,this is no room for sleep. Beethoven’s violins race through the open door of night...

NAKED IN DREAMS by Michael Eaton

Parting Is Sweet Sorrow she leftanddidn’t leavemuch of herself—a blond hairdropped without care,frayed golden threadon a worn and stained carpet,a cup of coffee,half-filled, unstirred,and a smell lingeringon the morning sheetslike a winter fog lying lightlyover...

A CHILD LOST by Ray Keifetz

Fool’s Birthday Not every daydo you pass through a doorwithout opening itand behind the iron boltfind cake. Not every dayagainst the slow grinding glaciers,evaporating seas,the calcificationof every human heart,do you sing. Not every day is a birthday.Not...

A BLESSING by Dayna Lellis

My Phone Died This silence makes me confrontthe thoughts I’ve tried to represswith an assembly line ofvoices and videos. My Longest Relationship My longest relationship is with myself.To keep the love alive, I need to ask:Are my...