ALICE IN MONTAUK by Gosia Nealon

Alice in Montauk 1938, Montauk, New York The Island Club on Lake Montauk had filled up with people dining, dancing, or gambling. The air was rich with the scents of seafood and cigarette smoke, while a...

POLLY by K.C. Hampton

Polly Andrews is dressed up in her Sunday best, finding herself in a luxurious home ready for a get together, unaware of how she got there. However, this did not look like a joyous...

INSEPARABLE by Juan Sanchez

    In a large room stood an extravagant man. Behind and in front of him was the entrance to a hallway. Surrounding the man was a group of people who are armed with spears,...

THE PLAY’S THE THING by Thomas Belton

The Play’s the Thing By Thomas Belton In the first act, you get the hero up a tree, in the second you throw rocks at him, and in the third act you get the poor son-of-a-bitch back...

PETER-BY-THE-BAY by Thomas Belton

While others went to the Park to see and be seen, to flirt and promenade, Peter did not. He preferred to ride his bike past the long meadow where the soccer players were cursing...

BAD COFFEE by Alicia Young

BAD COFFEE By: Alicia Young             Kira twirled her index finger repeatedly around the metal utensil submerged in her caramel latte. She despised the waiting game as much as she despised the beverage, but she remained...

WILDERNESS by Sandra Perez

                She sits in the wilderness of her heart, once again balancing the dinner plate on the arm of the sofa, watching the six o’clock news. Sometimes she wipes away just a couple of...

ERASING by Deirdre Fryer Baird

I have no idea why I’m here. I see my distorted reflection in the shiny chrome elevator doors, but I don’t look like myself. I know I came here for a reason; I just...


Charlie, a shoe salesman, jumped out of bed, startled that it was already 8:30. His United Airlines Flight was scheduled for 10:22. Now he didn’t even have time for breakfast. He had set the...

DISTANCE OF DEATH by Lauren Rollins

Distance of Death             The world looks a little different when you’re dead. Colors are faded, and it seems like everything is a tiny bit lagged. Temperature and wind don’t seem to exist, and everything...