Home Fiction - Year IV - Number 24 - May 2019

Fiction - Year IV - Number 24 - May 2019

    MOVIE LIFE by Ken O’Steen

    MOVIE LIFEby Ken O'Steen   I remembered the sun and the warmth and the tall palms. I thought about them during the New Hampshire winters, though I remembered few details from those days in Los...

    NOTHING FOR YOU HERE by Mitchell Waldman

    NOTHING FOR YOU HEREby Mitchell Waldman   I've got bad news: there is nothing for you here. Nothing.Do you want to go through life in a dream state?You are nothing but a cog in their...

    VALIDATION by Ivanka Fear

    VALIDATIONby Ivanka Fear       I lost my identity today. Seriously, I woke up this morning and couldn’t for the life of me remember who I am. Maybe I’m still dreaming, I thought. I sat up in bed,...

    PIT STOP EXISTENCE by Margery Bayne

    PIT STOP EXISTENCEby Margery Bayne   “The pay is shit, but money’s money.”It was the first thing Steve said to Nathan after staring him down when he first stepped into his kitchen. Steve was in...

    CORA by Olivia Du Pont

    CORAby Olivia Du Pont  “The first thing I remember was that everyone was yelling around me, my mother was crying, and the last thing I remember was seeing was a woman standing at the end...

    FIRST SPRING SEASON by Daniel Picker

    FIRST SPRING SEASONby Daniel Picker   My father disappeared in the dark that late winter when the nights still ran long into the mornings and the day still ran short with darkness falling before dinner. ...

    A QUIET MAN by A. Elizabeth Herting

    A QUIET MANby A. Elizabeth Herting   They came from every corner of the land, making the long, sad pilgrimage to the place in the middle he called home. To say the man would be...


    THE LAST DAY OF GUSTAVO BUSTAMANTEby Conor O'Brian Barnes A noble life is of no account, Gustavo Bustamante thought to himself. Death is a vulture feeding on jackals and lions the same. He lay dying on the...

    DRESSING THE PART by Deirdre Fagan

    DRESSING THE PARTby Deirdre Fagan  The dress was boxed in 1990.  The box still had the dry cleaner's receipt attached to its slightly yellowed side.  Behind the cellophane window, Eva could just glimpse the beaded...

    HUNG JURY by Alan Berger

    HUNG JURYby Alan Berger The depressing envelope in Penny Bankey’s mailbox was surrounded by other depressing envelopes that went by the name of Bill now due.But this envelope out depressed them all as it was...