Home Fiction - Year II - Number 7 - Volume II - June 2017

Fiction - Year II - Number 7 - Volume II - June 2017

    BABY AND JOE – By Vince Barry

    BABY AND JOEBy Vince Barry Sherwood Anderson—I’m always reading something or other by ’m. I don’t know why. Maybe ’cause he raised his bed, an’ I do, too. Only he did it to look at...

    TABLE – By Brandi Handley

    TABLEBy Brandi Handley Daniel sat at the kitchen table, his hands folded on top of it.  He heard the familiar clunk as two of the uneven legs hit the floor.  It was like riding a see-saw every...

    AURORA – By Robert Gamer

    AURORABy Robert Gamer How I found myself driving a casket truck for a living remains quite a chronicle.- Now don’t get me wrong! I have nothing against truck drivers in general. Nothing whatsoever! The simple...

    BOOK OF JOE – By Chris Wright

    THE BOOK OF JOEBy Chris Wright I think it would be wise to write a short preface to the following little piece I wrote approximately ten years ago. This literary experiment, basically a satire, is...

    THE BLOSSOM-WATCHERS – By David Vardeman

    THE BLOSSOM-WATCHERSBy David Vardeman Mr. King’s son married Mr. Feinmann’s daughter.  “We should get married too,” Mr. Feinmann said to Mr. King.“Do you mean to each other?”“I was thinking more of ladies.”“Oh, of course,” Mr....

    5A’s PROMISE – By Lea Baker

    5A’s PROMISEBy Lea Baker Apartment 5A lost hope of ever housing a permanent family the day Jeremy Jenkins moved. In the proceeding decades 5A came to feel more and more under appreciated as it fell...

    THE FLEA CIRCUS – By Harold Barnes

    THE FLEA CIRCUSBy Harold Barnes For Ari Only "The attraction of the virtuoso for the public is like that of the circus for the crowd... there is always the hope that something dangerous will happen."—Claude Debussy A...


    THE NIGHTMARE THAT NEVER SLEEPSBy Michael Neary The nightmare materialized once more when Noor awoke from her dreams.The yellow walls were shaking and the floors were trembling.  Noor sat up quickly and looked desperately around....