Home Fiction - Year VI - Number 47 - April 2021

Fiction - Year VI - Number 47 - April 2021

    WEST SIDE HIGHWAY by Leah Erickson

    When she emerged from the elevator, he was surprised to see that she was alone. Usually she was with her husband, on the way to a book launch or a gallery opening or a...

    IMPACT WINTER by Shaun Polakow

    IMPACT WINTER By Shaun Polakow The sky was a crime scene without clues, bereft of moon or sun. Casket black and unchanged by time or season it cast the icy tundra below in darkness. The only...

    FRIEDA’S SOLUTION by Lee Grossman

    Frieda’s Solution Lee Grossman             Frieda was stumped.  All of her plans had come to grief, and her new baby brother was still chirping and slurping away.  She had figured that by now her parents would...

    UNREQUITED BY RULES by Monika R. Martyn

    Unrequited by Rules The summer afternoon had been punished, and when the sun made its encore appearance amidst the leaving storm clouds, the redeeming blue sky stole the show. Manfred sauntered out into the garden,...

    NECESSARY by Allyson Batis

    Necessaryby Allyson Batis The Orphaned Hero’s parents are mentioned, when they are mentioned, as the foundationof The Orphaned Hero’s story. Theirs is an established, expected, dreadful tale. The OrphanedHero’s Parents were dispatched by violence orchestrated...

    AUNT MINNIE’S CABOOSE by Gene Goldfarb

                                                           Aunt Minnie’s Caboose     “From Basement to Betterment” is no more. Our author and good friend, Dominick Capodieci, has now moved on. I don’t mean he’s passed away. No, only that he has moved...

    THE WAY THINGS USED TO BE by Nate Noorlander

    The Way Things Used to Be We got married fast. It was surprising to me. There we were, a married couple, dressing and undressing in front of each other, sharing a bathroom, sharing friends. But...

    DISTANCE OF DEATH by Lauren Rollins

    Distance of Death             The world looks a little different when you’re dead. Colors are faded, and it seems like everything is a tiny bit lagged. Temperature and wind don’t seem to exist, and everything...


    When We Found the Dead Hiker By Carl Shipley Slight disorder in the sword ferns beside the trail rumored a possible way to the river, perhaps a secluded spot to rest, snack, have a romantic moment....

    COLDER THAN I SHOULD BE by Jessica McGlyn

    Colder than I Should Be By Jessica McGlyn “I’m here for the ‘essentials services’,” the woman air quoted, winking as she approached the new receptionist of the Bethesda Beauty Center.  “Why should I suffer wrinkles just...