Home Fiction – Year VI – Number 49 – June 2021

Fiction – Year VI – Number 49 – June 2021

    MORE by Karole Bennett

                The cold metal table pressed into my back, and the cork, water-stained, ceiling loomed over me. A lightbulb dangled from a tarnished-brown chain. The dim light misted through the room, emitting a faint,...

    PETER-BY-THE-BAY by Thomas Belton

    While others went to the Park to see and be seen, to flirt and promenade, Peter did not. He preferred to ride his bike past the long meadow where the soccer players were cursing...

    PARTNERS by Olga Collazo Perez

                    Kimi bit her lip and did her level best not to jump at the sound of something slamming against the counter behind her.   “You’re not welcome here!” said a deep and angry voice...

    DUBLINERS by Iva Cvjeticanin

    It was the pink velvet dress. Evelyn held it up against her body slowly dancing with it while trying to avoid tripping over the boxes that filled her new apartment. “It was this dress,”...


    I comb, in lieu of packing, through a box of letters that’s been perched on the bedroom bookshelf since we leased this apartment two years ago. And although now is not the time, I...

    WILDERNESS by Sandra Perez

                    She sits in the wilderness of her heart, once again balancing the dinner plate on the arm of the sofa, watching the six o’clock news. Sometimes she wipes away just a couple of...

    RAFFLES by Judith Newlin

    Back then we lived near the center of town, behind the cavernous library. Mom worked in the orange-carpeted children’s room, which meant during the summers she could keep tabs on us during her break...

    UNDOCUMENTED by Maria Valenzuela Frangakis

    Undocumented The U.S. border was only a three-hour-drive from my college town, but the idea of going al otro lado hadn’t occurred to me before Isa invited me to go shopping in Tucson. I’d just...

    O GIGANTE by Gustavo Salvaggio

    O GIGANTE Havia um gigante encerrado entre os muros da cidade. Era a praça central onde ele cochilava, respirando, e o tráfego próximo a ele era interditado devido a inúmeros acidentes automobilísticos decorrentes da respiração...

    SECOND HONEYMOON by Amanda Corbin

    As they stood for coffee in the ribcage of the airport terminal, he watched his wife pluck an invisible note from the air and tuck it behind her ear. His tonsils caught a sigh....