Home Fiction - Year VI - Number 48 - May 2021

Fiction - Year VI - Number 48 - May 2021

    BLACK HOLES by Jaclyn Reed

    Black Holes             Jessica sat on the small kitchen table with her feet on the head chair and stared out the window, a cigarette pinched between her thumb and middle finger. Bits of ash fell...

    ATOM AND VOID by Riley Winchester

    Atom and Void The lobby at the ReAt Agency was pale and insipid. The walls were made of white bricks that were cold to the touch when I dragged my fingers along the lines of...

    DAMAGED GOODS by Steve Slavin

    Damaged Goods 1 Rather late one weekday evening, I saw a very attractive woman struggling to pull a huge suitcase up the subway station stairs. “May I help you?” She gave me the onceover, and after concluding that...


    Standing on the Wrong Side by Hayden Sidun I’m going to kill myself. That’s the decision I made as my feet hit the frigid hardwood floor after a long night of staring at a dark ceiling,...

    PROJECT IMMORTALITY by Yuri Korobaev, Translated by Irina Stoliarova

    PART 1 Chapter 1 MICHAEL Michael checked his e-mail. After reading several messages, he stopped at the one titled "Invitation to Mr. Palmer from Professor Richardson." Michael clicked on the heading to open the letter and scanned it....

    EFFLEURAGE by Erik Smetana

    Renee pulled her car to the curb and double checked the address on the GPS. It was a house. The woman on the phone made no mention of working from home. Renee got out...

    TWO DREAMS by Maria Tsirona

    ONE "Eleni, my Eleni, my girl, my wild, crazy girl," – his voice warm, so close to her face, his breath on her face so warm. She opens her eyes and sees his lips saying...

    THE CIGARETTE PACT by Dennis Mitton

    “Rachel saw the ghost again last night,” Julie said, already deep in bed. “Great.” Sam rolled his eyes, pulling on a tee-shirt. “She’s got me afraid to work in the attic this weekend. The little...

    USELESS FELLOW by Balu Swami

    Useless fellow by Balu Swami Wayne was still a farm boy even though he had left the farm over a decade ago. He was still the innocent who saw only the best in people. Although he...

    LEARNING TO SKATE by Mary Anne Slack

    Learning To Skate      It started out as an ordinary Saturday. I was making breakfast for Jeff and myself when the phone rang. My son-in-law Matt had slipped on the icy front steps of their...